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1. I will allow you to play as a Little Sister, a Big Daddy, Splicers, or the really enticing Big Sister if you so desire, but do not play as my characters. I put a lot of thought into them, they're my own creation. Create your own, don't be lazy.

2. I will allow tags. But I must see the character sheet.

3. Do not RP until I accept the form. It gets annoying that I have to keep telling people this, because when I go to join, I find people just randomly joining and I have not accepted them. Don't be that guy, it's just easier for both of us.

4. I will not allow a sexual RP With a Little Sister. Ever. No exceptions, sick perverts.

5. PM for Smut! I do not want this removed.

6. Censor the swears, like f*ck.

7. I love playing as Big Sisters, mostly my Big Sister OC. If you would like me to play someone else, tell me. I will even play Canon Characters.

8. Be kind, please? I will allow some cruelty, but please. Don't be mean irl.

9. Hate the Character, not the RPer.

10. I might tweak up my characters, but I will not change them entirely. They stay as they are.

11. Do not control my, or anyone else's characters, without my or their permission.

12. I will allow one-liners, you don't need a para unless it's a kickstarter of sorts.

13. Be literate. I can handle it if you are not, but please try to.

14. Dark Themes are allowed, like drug use, tobacco use, ect.

15. Have fun!

16. Characters cannot dodge everything. Your character might die, as might mine. It's life, do not be Overpowered.

17. If you plan to kill one of my characters, ask me please..? I don't want mah babies dying on the spot. That goes with other people, too. Ask them if you plan to kill their characters, so that they agree with you.

If you have read and agree, put your favorite game in the franchise in the comments.

Would You Kindly Follow These Rules..?

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