My OCs

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Name: Serana

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Game: (Which game is your character in): Varies


(Without the suit): Blue eyes, Long black hair, Fit, Pale skin from wearing the suit for far too long

Weapon(s) of choice: Her retractable harpoon-like blade, her giant Syringe, basically anything the typical Big Sisters have 

Character Type(Big Daddy, Ryan Industries Soldier, Little Sister, Splicer): Big Sister

(If Big Daddy/Little Sister, name your partner here): None

(If Splicer, how spliced-up/what kind of Splicer): Blank

Plasmids/Gene Tonics: Incineration, Electric Shock, Telekinesis

Bio: Serana was one of the very few to break free of her 'programming'. She might've even've been the first one to do so. She could never harm the Big Daddy that she was ordered to stop. He only wanted to see a daughter... HIS daughter. She could never take that away from him. She fled elsewhere, for fear of what Mother would do to her if she had found out. She did not want to suffer her wrath again. Now she somewhat lives in the Appollo Square, but she wanders and this can vary. The one place where she is free...

Additional Info: She can get hostile at times. She usually does, too due to her distrust and her isolation, as well as her programming. She was told trust no one, befriend no one, kill everyone. But she did not. Her programming may no longer be in-effect, but it is still there. It might even just need that last push to re-take effect.

Name: Rebecca Sergo

Age: 10

Gender: Female

Game: (Which game is your character in) Varies

Appearance: She has the generic appearance of a Little Sister

Weapon(s) of choice: Syringe

Character Type(Big Daddy, Ryan Industries Soldier, Little Sister, Splicer): Little Sister

(If Big Daddy/Little Sister, name your partner here): Damaron, Big Daddy

(If Splicer, how spliced-up/what kind of Splicer): Blank

Plasmids/Gene Tonics: None

Bio: Uuuh, lol wut? She's a Little Sister.

Additional Info: Blank

Name: John Xzavier

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Game: (Which game is your character in): Varies

Appearance: Blonde Hair, Grey Eyes, 6'0", Athletic Build

Weapon(s) of choice: Anything he can get his hands on, but mostly his pistol

Character Type(Big Daddy, Ryan Industries Soldier, Little Sister, Splicer): Human

(If Big Daddy/Little Sister, name your partner here): Blank

(If Splicer, how spliced-up/what kind of Splicer): Blank

Plasmids/Gene Tonics: Electric Shock, Big Daddy Hypnotism

Bio: He is one of the very very few remaining humans in Rapture. He evaded becoming a Splicer and losing his damned mind by talking to himself sometimes. Usually all the time. And meditation. He has complete control over himself.

Additional info: He is not very trusting

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