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[jjk focus ]

a ravenette stood at the entrance of the building staring blankly at the rain. he forgot his umbrella in the frenzy he was in this morning trying to get ready for class.

so here he stands, regretting his existence and knowing full well that he would have to walk in the rain to his car, which was parked at the end of the lot. he ran a hand through his hair as he mentally prepared himself for what's to come.

he opened the glass door and stepped into the rain.

- - -

finally a soaked jungkook makes it to his apartment. he tiredly removes his drenched shoes and cringes at the feeling of his wet socks clinging to his feet as he makes his way to his bedroom.

a tiny grey kitten is asleep on his bed, the comfy white sheets complimenting its fur beautifully. he reaches over and gently stokes its head earning a soft purr in response.

" looks like you've had a pretty nice day so far, huh picatso ?" jungkook caresses its head for a few seconds more before he goes into the bathroom, turning on the water. as he waits for the water to heat up he grabs a fresh pair of boxers and a hoodie.

he steps into the hot water and sighs, his muscles relax when the water makes contact with his skin. as he scrubs his hair he can't help but recall a certain brunette.

the cute mole on the tip of his nose, fluffy ash brown hair, perfect honey skin just waiting to be marked up, and those sinful plump lips. it drove him crazy the way he'd lick them occasionally making them glossy and beautiful, or how he'd bite them almost teasingly when he was focused.

how could someone so beautiful even exist?

he forced himself to rid his thought of the brunette before he got too 'worked up'.

jungkook flopped onto his bed, waking the previously sleeping kitten and earning an annoyed meow from the ball of fluff. jungkook reached over and grabbed the kitten placing it on his chest, caressing its ears softly when it nuzzled into him and purred.

" i think i have a crush on someone picatso, like we haven't really talked or anything but he's just so cute and he smells really good like too good, y'know what im sayin? he's just so perfect and ahh i just want to hug him he looks so soft and warm an- holy shit i think im whipped."

jungkook sat up against the head board and held the kitten so he was at eye level with it. picatso ,for obvious reasons, didn't reply but instead put his small paws on jungkooks nose.

" you're horrible at giving advice, you know that?" he sighed and put the kitten down.

he looked over at the clock on his night stand and saw it was only 5:30. deciding he had nothing better to do he put on black ripped jeans, a pair of dry shoes, grabbed his keys and wallet, gave picatso his forehead kiss goodbye then left his apartment.

jungkook walked a few blocks to a small coffee shop, a bell rang when he entered alerting the employee.

" welcome to 'café jin' how may i help you? oh jungkook it's been awhile." the blonde greeted him with a smile.

"yeah sorry i've been kinda busy with the shop and school, but i see seokjin still dosen't trust you to work the coffee machines, huh namjoon?" jungkook chuckled.

"he's being over dramatic, you break a machine one time and you're branded for life! but it's fine i guess, being cashier isn't so bad. anyway what can i get you, the usual?" namjoon asked

" yeah, thanks."

"alright i'll bring it out to your table." namjoon smiled and handed jungkook his table marker.

jungkook walked towards the back of the shop to his favorite spot. a booth by the window with a small pot holding a cactus he named timothy.

he was about to take a seat when a voice called out to him,

"hey you're in my modern art class right?" the overly familiar voice spoke up.

(jk's brain) shit we've been compromised, abort mission abort mission!

jungkook turned around to face the brunette in front of him and was taken aback by his appearance.

his ash hair was messy yet it still looked beautifully soft and fluffy, his small frame was engulfed in a large hoodie, glasses adorned is cute button nose, and holy shit he's wearing shorts with fishnets.

jungkook can truly die a happy man now.

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ayee a shitty update :)

honestly im just gonna write this in lowercase from now on i like how it looks

also sorry this is kinda short but imma update again this week

also leave comments i like reading them

bye :)

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