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[jjk focus ]

jungkook had been internally screeching about taehyung's appearance when the latter snapped him out of his mental freak out. 

"do you mind if i join you?" taehyung asked gesturing to the booth they were standing next to.

jungkook cleared his throat and nodded his head, not trusting his voice at the moment.

" so do you live by here? " taehyung inquired, crossing his legs and resting his chin on his palm.

"u-uh yeah i live a couple streets down from here, you?"

" not really, i just happened to be passing by, i was actually looking for a bookshop but i kinda got lost." 

"oh, well if you'd like i could show you where it is, i know the area pretty well and i think i know where you're talking about." jungkook offered with a smile.

their conversation was interrupted by namjoon who looked like he was having a hard time carrying the trey in his hand. 

" one mexican coffee, extra cream, an iced expresso marvo, a slice of pumpkin bread to-go, and two chocolate chip cookies on the house." namjoon handed out their orders and took their table markers, " if you need anything else please feel free to ask, for the mean time i'll leave you two to enjoy yourselves." he smiled sending a wink to jungkook as he left, causing the ravenette to flush a bright red .

after namjoon left the two were left in a some-what awkward silence.

shit i gotta think of something to say, uhm 'do ya like jazz ;))'....

no! oh my god no what if he actually likes jazz, i don't know anything about jazz!

ask about the weather maybe?...no that's too awkward 

hmmm how abou-

" can i see them?" 

jungkook snapped out of his internal monolog and looked at the latter with a brow raised.


"your tattoos."

jungkook awkwardly cleared his throat, "oh, uh sure go ahead." he rolled up his sleeves and presented them to him.

taehyung let out a silent 'wow' at the site of them, he reached out to touch them giving jungkook a look, silently asking for permission. when jungkook nodded his head, he proceeded to run his long delicate fingers along his forearm, tracing each design slowly, leaving butterflies in jungkook's stomach. his touch felt like fire along jungkook's skin, and boy did he love the feeling.

the two spent little over an hour at the coffee shop, talking and getting to know each other. when taehyung mentioned wanting to get a tattoo jungkook shyly suggested letting him do his first tattoo, to which taehyung agreed to with a box shaped smile.


at some point the two left the cafe, they walked around at a nearby park for awhile, as they walked taehyung told jungkook about the constellations overhead, pointing out the ones he could recognize. while they were walking they found the playground, and of course because they are adults, they raced to the swings. ( tae face planted into the sand beacuse it was too dark to really see anything but you didn't hear that from me.)

eventually they did end up at the book shop taehyung was originally looking for, it was a quiet shop about two street lights from the park. the interior of the shop gave off a nice cozy vibe, with its comfortable looking couches and its not too bright lighting. they looked around the shop for a bit before taehyung found the book he was looking for.

so here they are now, standing in front of taehyung's grey honda civic. jungkook had walked him to his car not wanting the latter to walk alone this late at night. taehyung fiddled with his keys before speaking. " y'know, i had a really good time today."

" me too, we should do it again sometime." jungkook gave a sheepish smile whistle rubbing the back of his neck.

" definitely..." taehyung replied still playing with his keys, " uhm do you want a ride home? it's pretty late an-"

"no-no uh im fine, i don't live too far from here." 

"oh, ok then ill see you around?"


the two quickly exchanged phone numbers before taehyung drove away.


" picasto, im home and i think im in love!"

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oOf this chapter was so cringy, i hate ;(

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