Going around town

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A/N I have most of this story written so it's pretty easy to update. Also, I'm sorry that this whole scene is going to be rushed. As I said, I'm inpatient.

"Can we have a tour of the town first?"

"Sure. I know everything about this whole town so just lead the way."

We went all around the good side of town but then they started to go to the darker side of town.

"This is the extremely dangerous part of town. Nobody, not even Hunni or Mori can survive in there."

A beautiful woman about our age came out of the shadows towards Tamaki, complimenting him.

"You're the most handsome out of the group. I bet you have the best blood!"

She leapt at him, I could tell she wasn't a former human. She is just hungry. I stood in between them, stupidly using my inhuman speed. Since I was in front of them, I let my eyes glow and fangs show. She bowed down in front of me

"Lady Teana"

"Get up and leave. Find your food elsewhere."

"Yes my lady."

She got up and left, cursing me under her breath. I went back to human.

"I'm very well known for these parts for attackers"

"What was she... her eyes..." tamaki asked, holding onto kyoya

"It's a thing here that a lot of people have, being able to have their eyes glow red. It's a genetic mutation."

I'm so smart for coming up with that on the spot.

"Can you do that?" Haruhi asked

"Yeah. But I don't like to. And people are really sensitive about it, so don't go around asking about it."

"Uhm....okay?" Haruhi said

I sigh deeply. My heart suddenly starts racing and my eyes flash red. I smell blood nearby. I look back and see Haruhi with a town map and a paper cut.

"Haruhi. You need to be more careful."

I walk over to Haruhi.

"Hey, Haruhi. Close your eyes."


I take Haruhi's hand and kissed her finger, instantly healing it.


"What did you just do??" She asked

"I know a trick for healing small wounds"

"Hello children."

Crap. It's the level E. In the envelope, nobody saw, but there was a picture.

"All of You! Go back!"

"Oh but I don't bite. Much."

He came running at me and I heard a sword sheath. Takuma. Ugh. That means all the night class students are here. The level E has now turned to dust. How do I explain this one to the hunter association?!

"Idiot!" I yelled

"Calm down. I'm just saving you all." Takuma calmly said

That's right, he doesn't know that I'm a vampire. I think.


"Wh-what just happened?!" Tamaki asked

"Uhm...." He trailed off

" go ahead and explain what you did." I told Takuma snarkily

He hopefully has figured out I'm a hunter by now

"I uhm..."he trailed off again

"I hate this. Screw it. He killed a vampire that has gone mad." I quickly explained

"A-a vampire?!" Hunni held onto mori

"Yeah. I told you all that there were stories and what my town is known for."

"Wooowwwww good job." Takuma clapped

"You couldn't do any better. And you realize that I'm going to get in so much trouble for this! That was my job-"

"And it was mine too." He cut me off

"Fine. You're not as bad the rest. This is Takuma Ichijo. Tamaki, Kyoya, Hunni, Mori, Hikarou, Karou, and Haruhi."

"You do realize Kaname will be here any moment right?" He told me

"Unfortunately..." I Sighed

"Who is Kaname?"tamaki asked

"He is....hmmm...."

"The one in charge of the night class. The president of the night class" Kaname came in and explained


"You're so inhuman." I said

I could tell that he figured it out.

"Lord Kaname." Takuma Said bowing

"Come on, we need to get away from this part of town" I tried to get everyone to leave.

"Hold on. Come back over here." He said strictly

"Ugh what do you want?"

"What do you want?"

"I only want to talk"


"Who is that?" Tamaki asked

"This is Kaname Kuran, the president of the night class. Now, What do you want Kaname?"

"How are you in the day class?" He asked

"I don't want to have this conversation right now. In front of my friends."

"You will run away if we do this any other time." He stated

His eyes started glowing pinkish purple. He was trying to use his powers on me to make me talk.

"Not going to work idiot."

"How Dare you talk to lord Kaname like that!" Hannibusa yelled

"I have the right to."

Hannibusa's eyes widened

"You're a pureblood too? Apologies my lady..." he said bowing

"Teana? What's going on?" The twins asked

"Nothing. Ignore them."

I pulled them away, leaving the night class glaring at me with glowing eyes.

"What was all that?!" Hikarou asked

"Terrible people."

"How?" Kaurou asked

"There's no words to describe them except terrible."

A/N thanks for reading! I'll update when I can. That's as much of the story I had in my notes.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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