Chapter 2

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"The best gift you are ever going to give someone— the permission to feel safe in their own skin. To feel worthy. To feel like their enough
- Unknown

"Are you sure you want to walk darling, it's not exactly safe" Maddie asked as I got to the back door.

"I'm fine Maddie" I smiled before walking outside, the cold air biting my skin.

I began my walk home, I wanted to sleep at my apartment for as long as possible before having to permanently move back in with my parents.

I had only walked home a few times, unfortunately my car was in for a service so I was carless until tomorrow morning

It was only like a 10 minute walk but of a nighttime it was a little scary.

I was walking when suddenly I saw a large group of men heading out of the bar, I decided to use my instincts and cross to the other side of the road.

I passed by them when I began hearing them calling out stuff.

"Hey gorgeous" "look at that ass" "dam she's sexy as hell" now I didn't begin freaking out until they turned around and began walking in the same direction as me.

I quickened my pace and continued on my usual route for my house, but unfortunately they quickened there pace too.

I grabbed out my phone and remembered that my parents where at the am event tonight, Daring and Cerise where out of town and of course dexter and raven lived 7 1/2 hours away.

I scrolled past chases name, I pressed the call button.

After the second ring he answered the phone.

"Hello" his voice came through sort of rough.

"Chase it's me Darling, where are you right now" I asked.

"Oh princess it's you, I'm at home right now care to join me" he joked.

"Chase I need you to come and pick me up, I was on my way home from work when these guys started following me" I said as I continued trying to walk as fast as possible the group of men still following behind me.

"Come on pretty girl we just want to have a little fun" one of the men called out.

"Where are you" he asked as I heard shuffling in the background.

"I'm on Harvey Lane, please hurry" I said before hanging up.

I guess being on the phone made me a little clumsy.

I was suddenly pulled by my arm and pulled into a dark alley way.

"There you are" it was the group of men, guess they where faster then me.

"Get away from me" I struggled as I was pinned against a wall.

"Oh you're the mayors daughter, guess we can have some real fun" one sneered.

I could feel hot tears well up in my eyes.

"You're disgusting" I spat.

"Don't worry baby, you'll like this" one laughed before beginning to unbutton my jeans.

"You better get your hands off her Troy or I will cut your hands off" I heard Chase say.

I was relieved to hear his voice.

"Oh come on Chase, look at this little Vixen" he smiled.

"I SAID GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER" he yelled storming towards up.

It all happened so fast, chases fist came in contact with the mans jaw knocking him into the filthy floor

"Are you alright" he asked me concerned.

My entire body was trembling.

"Come here" he said pulling me into his large chest.

I began sobbing like an idiot, I hate this.

"mio padre sentirà parlare di questo maiale" he yelled as the group scrambled away.
(My father will hear about this Pig)

"I'm sorry" I continued sobbing like a moron.

"It's ok" he said as he soothingly rubbed my back.

"God my dad is gonna kill me" I shook my head as I stepped back awkwardly from Chase.

"I won't tell him if you don't" he gave a sad smile.

"Thanks" I nodded.

"Come on let me take you home" he said with a sigh.

"My house is just around the corner, I can walk" I shrugged.

"No way princess, you don't get a choice" he shrugged before dragging me towards his sleek black sports car.

I slid into the passenger seat as he sped, I watched as he drove straight past my street.

"Uhhhh" I cocked a brow.

"I'm hungry" he shrugged as he pulled into McDonald's.

"Right" I nodded.

"Hi yeah can I get a large Big Mac meal, what do you want" he asked me

"Nothing" I frowned.

"Can I also get a 10 pack of nuggets with a medium fries and a medium coke" he said through his window before driving through.

"I said I didn't want anything" I sighed as I grabbed out my wallet.

"You're a girl, and I got it" he cocked a brow as he handed the worker a $20 note.


"Thank you" I smiled as we pulled up out the front of my apartment.

"It's fine" he nodded.

"Thanks for the food, I will have to get you back sometime" I nodded awkwardly.

"Sure" he chuckled.

"Alright we'll see you around" I nodded as he started up the car.

"See you around" he smiled as I turned around and walked up my stairs.

I unlocked my door and as I turned around I saw that Chase was still watching me.

I smiled before shutting my door and locking it.

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