Chapter 3

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"Your brother is your first male friend in your life.
No one will understand your craziness like your brother.
Even if you don't get together or talk as much as you'd like, he will always remain by your side.
While people come and go in your life, your brother will always be in your heart for a lifetime.
- Unknown

Three days later I had finally packed all my things, walking around my empty apartment was a weird feeling.

I had worked so hard to afford my own place and it was all being ripped away from me.

I sighed before looking around one last time, the memories I had here will remain forever in my brain.

I smiled before walking out and locking the door one last time.

I hopped into my families black SUV, I frowned as we pulled away one last time.

I sat in my room pouting like a child that didn't get candy, I was pissed that my dad made me move back home.

"Hey" I looked up to see daring.

"Hi" I sighed as he walked in shutting the door behind him.

"I heard what happened" he said with a frown.

"If you're here to be a dick I would prefer you to do it somewhere else" I said glaring at him.

"I was here to see if you're ok darling" he sighed sitting next to me.

"Well I'm not so you can go now" I rolled my eyes.

"I love how you hate me because I'm mean to you...but the second I'm nice you just give me attitude" he scoffed now standing.

"You're a dick, I thought that it would have faded away after you graduated but I guess it will never go away because it's in your genetic makeup" I spat now standing right in front of him.

"You're so bitter all the time darling and I just don't understand why" he sighed.

"Because I'm related to a bunch of morons" I raised my voice.

"Mom and dad are just trying to protect you darling don't you understand" he scoffed in awe.

"Of course they are but it doesn't help me when no one will tell me what I'm being protected from" I yelled.

"Just drop it" Daring growled.

"Daring get out" I looked to see Cerise.

He shook his head and stormed towards the door.

"You're nothing but a brat" he said before storming out.

"Fuck sakes" I sighed flopping on my bed.

"He's in a mood" i looked up to see Cerise with a frown leaning against the door.

"I can hardly tell" I let out a small chuckle.

Me and my brother always used to fight when we were kids and I guess it never stopped.

"I have actually been needing to talk to you for a bit" she smiled as she closed my door.

"Why" I cocked a brow.

"I haven't told anyone yet but I feel like I need to tell someone" she smiled sitting next to me.

"Dear god if you tell me you're pregnant" I laughed half heartedly.

She smiled at me.

"Oh my god CERISE" I squealed.

"Shhhhh I haven't even told Daring yet" she smiled as I pulled her into a tight hug.

"Oh my god" I laughed.

"I'm stressing a little, I mean we're getting married in three months and I know I'm not going to fit in my dress" she chuckled.

"I'm so happy for you" I said with tears in my eyes.

"I'm scared to tell him, what if it's too soon for a baby" she frowned.

"Daring loves you, it's not too soon" I said laughing.

"I really hope your right darling" she smiled giving me a hug.

I was so happy for them, they had been struggling with there relationship for years and now everything was finally falling into place.

I sat on my bed scrolling through Instagram when I got a text message from Chase.

Hey princes


So I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me, I'm kinda bored and I'm assuming you're aswell

I mean I will have to ask my dad

A grown woman asking her dad if she can hang out with a innocent

You're a bad influence on me

I will pick you up in 10

I smiled a I got up from my bed, I went straight to my closet and grabbed my black pair of skinny jeans, an oversized white shirt and my pair of white converse.

I came down the stairs sort of happy.

"Where are you going" my dad asked.

"Out" I shrugged before skipping out of the house, I could see chases car sitting out the front.

"Hey" I said as I hopped into the passenger seat.

"Hey you" he smiled putting his phone in between his legs.

"So what are we doing" I asked as I pulled my seat belt on.

"You'll see" he smiled before pulling away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2019 ⏰

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