Yoonmin's small moments in life

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Little: Yoongi (Yoonie)
Caregiver: Jimin

Scenario: Jimin works as a CEO of a big business in Seoul. He hasn't had much time for his baby boy. But today he is going to make it up to him.

Jimin POV-

Working as a CEO is tough, it takes away a lot of time that you should spend with your loved ones. Though it can fill your pockets up nice and let you live lavishly, it could be hard at times.
Recently I haven't been able to spend time with my boyfriend. I've had work back to back all since last week. Lots of meetings and important work kept coming up, leaving me no time to take care of Yoonie.

Yoonie knows he shouldn't slip when I'm gone because he wouldn't be able to get attention and also because he could get hurt, so he hasn't been little for awhile. It already was starting to take a toll on him. He's been stressed out and more grumpier then usual.
Of course he didn't need me to be little, but it was better if he had someone to watch over him. Bathing, cooking, and dressing yourself is pretty hard when you have the headspace of a 4 year old.

But today I have a day off. A whole day to spoil my little meow meow. When he wakes up next to me he is going to be super confused on why I'm still in bed with him instead of at work, but in the end is going to smile that cute gummy smile of his. I can't wait.

Yoongi's POV-

When I woke up I expected to see a space in my shared bed, meaning my lover had once again left to work, but instead was awoken to the smell of expensive cologne and warm limbs wrapped around me. The smell of my boyfriend radiated from somewhere close. Usually the smell would linger on the sheets and pillows, but it was strong, too strong. I opened my eyes groggily to make sure I wasn't just dreaming but even when I rubbed my eyes super hard, there he was.
When he gave me that beautiful half smirk of his, I could contain myself. A small 'Hey baby boy' was all that left his lips before I flung myself atop of him.

"Daddy! Yoonie missed you sooooo much! Been so lonely without daddy! Had to be a big boy the whole week! No more!"

Third person POV-

"Aww my poor sugar cube. Don't worry. Daddy has today and tomorrow off so he can spend time with his gorgeous little prince."

The younger says with a smile. When the two had first gotten together and established their dynamics it was a bit hard for them since Yoongi was the hyung and Jimin was his dongsaeng. It took some getting used to but eventually Yoonie and Jimin were able to sort out their roles by taking everything step by step.

Yoonie clung to his caregiver as if he were to let go, Jimin would fly out he window.
"Don't worry my love, daddy's not going anywhere. How about we get some breakfast before we watch some cartoons, huh? Sound nice, little one?"

And that's how they ended up in their kitchen while eating blueberry pancakes. Well Jimin ate blueberry pancakes while Yoonie happily got half in his mouth and half on the floor. The little insisted that he was a big boy and insisted he would do it himself but starting making a huge mess. He was quickly shut down by his caregiver when he said.

"Baby, hand daddy the fork. You are too little to feed yourself."

Yoonie melted at his boyfriends words. Eventually breakfast was over and Jimin managed to get the rest of the food into the littles mouth. Now they were currently cuddled up watching bubble guppies as Jimin and Yoonie cuddled.

When your as busy as Jimin, the small moments really mattered. A good morning hug and kiss, cuddling together, showering together, going on a stroll in the park. They all mattered just as much as winning the lottery. They never got as much time as most couples get to be together. But it didn't matter. Their five minutes in the morning to their pecks goodnight, they all mattered. Yoongi loved it all. He would die for more time with his boyfriend, but was grateful they had the small things. The things that truly mattered to the both of them.

Although they rarely got time to spend like this, only the small moments mattered to the couple. Only the small moments in life.

Hope you guys all enjoyed the new chapter, although I know it's trash anyways.
But I think I might just stick to the third person POV instead of each person individually but let me know what you prefer.
But I hope your all doing well. And in case no one asked, have you eaten today? Are you feeling alright? Are oh really okay?
Sorry if I rambled a bit here. But I hope you all enjoyed and I'll see y'all next time! >3<


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