guys I'm depressed....

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Lastly my mum and dad syndrome has been getting really serious I can't go an hour with out saying "YOUR MUM" and I hope you can understand that it's a very hard time for me.
My own Mum is very confused and told me it's just a phase and I'm making up my mental disorder, so I shouted and said "IT'S NOT A PHASE MUM" and then the syndrome started kicking in again and I was constantly reappeating "MY MUM MY DAD".
I was taken to a hospital and they said that my disorder was very severe and prescribed me "Retarded Pills" , but they didn't help. They told me if it didn't work it ment I was to retarded to fix and I will live with this syndrome for the rest of my life.
Please Pray for me.

(If can't tell this is obviously a joke so don't get triggered over it)

My Mum and Dad Syndrome "Daily Struggles..."Where stories live. Discover now