The rise of the nazgûl Rose

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months later Y/n's p.o.v.

is been couple of months since i mastered my abilities as a new tenth member of the nazgûl but i wonder how my "family" reacted once they reailized that i was gone

meanwhile to Y/n's grave 

Ruby and Summer were on their way to vist Y/n grave again but this time they found his grave dug up and the coffin empty then both of them started to panic and try to figure out how did Y/n's "body" disappeared

back with Y/n

but it doesn't matter now i got my wish with a price paid lord Suaron gave me a mission to help the nine to take minas ithil as a test to prove my worth and see if my training was payied off but before i could leave and head to the Witch king's base my master Sauron gave me a strange looking mask(the one from the update)but there was one problem there were no eyeholes

(Sauron is in his armor)

Y/ lord how am I supposed to see through the mask?

Sauron:See for yourself

and i just put it on and somehow it still looked the same but then i look at the mirror and it showed that i was wearing the mask and i said to myself

Y/n:So thats how it works

Sauron:Queit right newborn nazgûl,now go the Witch king is waiting for you

Y/n:Yes my lord

then i left and went to the Witch king's location

small time skip at the Wich king's location

The Witch king was on top of a tall woden tower and then as i was a black and green mist i land besides him and asked

Y/n:Am I late?

Witch king:No! You came here at perfect timing

then he looks at me and noticed my new mask that lord Sauron gave me

Witch king:I see lord Sauron has granted you your own new mask

Y/n:That he did...What's my mission?

Witch king:The news of you as our newst member of the nazgûl has been spread everwhere like a deadly disease but all of them dare not to believe it

Y/n:Then shall I prove that the their rumors our true?

Witch king:Go ahead but before you do,hear the plan

Y/n:I'm all ears

Witch king:First:do as we say but then inform the ring maker the deal with the traitor while our orcs striking the deal with their traitor

Y/n:And who is this traitor If I'm allowed to know?

Witch king:Their own leader Castimir

Y/n:*chuckles evily*Lord Sauron really did plan this through

Witch king:He did.Now go newborn our the task ahead of you awaits

then i did a leap of faith then i landed with my feat then i see uruks and some ologs surround me with their weapons ready then i ordored them

Y/n:Everyone around me with me

then they open the path infront of me and a defender says

uruk defender:We're right behind you my lord

then i started to make my way along with my warriors behind me

meanwhile with Talion and celebrimbor with Talion's p.o.v.

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