who knows what could happen

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Just as the bell rang, signaling the end of the day. i see Mike walking over to my locker.

(why is my heart racing? why are my hands so sweaty? why is it suddenly hard to breathe? why,why,why?)

i hadn't noticed i was frozen, unable to move or speak.

"hey" mike says cheerfully

"hey...uh...i..uh..mean hi" i say stupidly

(why am i so nervous, i'm not usually like this, like at all, why now)

"are you okay,el?" mike says

"YES!" i yell, because i had zoned out.

(oh, of course he laughs. whitch made me feel i little bit worse)

"anyways, i was thinking you could come over and we could work on our chemistry" mike says smiling

"what?" i say, heart-rate going through the roof (can he hear it?)

"our chemistry homework? the one we were assigned five minutes ago." mike tries to clarify.

"oh" i say, i thought he was trying to flirt with me, why did i even get my hopes up.

" what does 'oh' mean?" he says quirking one brow

"i just thought...nevermind" i say losing hope, stopping mid-sentence

"no,continue" he says

(i took a deep breath)

"i thought... youwereflirtingwithmebutyou'renotsolet'sjustdropthesubjet" i say i one breath

'what if i was?" mike says

"what?" i say blinking alot

"what if i was flirting with you? how would you react? would you instantly reject me and run off or would you flirt back?" mike says

(what is going on here)

"i'd.....um......flirt back" i say mouth hung open

"so back to chemistry, when are you coming over?" he says

"maybe around like five, if that's fine?" i say he'd say yes

(and hoping he'd say no)

"that's fine and by the way, don't be so nervous" he says

(i knew he could hear my heartbeat)

"see ya at five, bye El-Belle" he says without giving it a second thought.

(did he just call me 'El-Belle'?)

"bye, mike " i say processing what he just said.

-max heard the whole thing...

"HEY EL-BELLE" max says running up to me

"what do you want, max" i say annoyed

"i saw you two flirting it up, what was that about?" she says

"we weren't flirting." i say but i could tell she knew i was lying

"mmhhmmm sure" she says instantly.

"so what did he say?" she says

"well, he invited me over and-" i was cut-off.

"he invited you over, DAMN WHEELER'S GOT SKILLS?" max shouts becouse of course she does

"he definitly wants you" max says laughing

"what do you mean" i ask.

"WHAT! you haven't seen him checking you out?" max says

"he doesn't like me that way, max" i say difensively

"he called you El-belle" max says

"yeah but, that doesn't mean he likes me" i say

"he hasn't givn me a nickname" she says back

"you already had one" i say crossing my arms

"trust me when i say this, he liilkes you okayy? so stop denying you're feelings honey"

(oh no, did i have feeling for mike? is this going to ruin our friendship. but maybe...there's a chance he likes me too.)

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