~New project~{Chapter one}

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Rosa, the daughter of Hephaestus sat outside her cabin. Her back resting against the wood of the wall and her legs crossed. Her light brown curled hair hanging like a curtain in front of her face as she had her nose buried in a red leather sketchbook. she was concentrated. Biting down on her lower lip, her black eyes full of focus and will. Her freckles showing as the sun was shining warmly, the blue sky above the camp was bright. She was breathing carefully and steady. As if she were to breathe too harshly, her concentration would break. Her hands moved over the paper, pencil in hand and she drew with a plan. It wasn't any type of pointless drawing to see where it would end. No, this was the start of a new project for her. After this, she would draw the blueprints for her new project.

That's why she didn't notice the boy approaching her. The tall son of Hades. His white platinum blonde hair messed up in the wind. His dark grey eyes looking down at her, studying her. Eyeing her up and down as pale hands were shoved down in the pockets of his black jeans. He didn't stand there and watch her like a creep, he wasn't that type of person. He spoke as soon as he approached her.

"So what is the leader of the Hephaestus cabin drawing?" He said with a soft but curious voice. It tore Rosa out of her concentration as she looked up at him. He wasn't smiling, but his face expression was kind in some sort of way. He was oozing of a powerful and overwhelming aura that made the hairs on the back of her neck rise. Her hand moving up to rub her neck as she looked up at him.

"Well for once, I'm not the leader of the cabin. Sophia is. And second, it's just a new project. Nothing big." She said with a little shrug as she glanced down at her plans spread out in grey on a paper. Him saying that she was a leader was a generous compliment. She didn't feel like she deserved it. So getting a compliment like that? Was weird for her and she didn't know how to act. She he was not one that was good at taking compliments. Giving? Yes. Taking and knowing how to act? No. Definitely no. It made her want to sink down in a pit and stay there. And she was usually not the shy type at all.

"A new project hm?" He hummed with a raised eyebrow. He walked closer to her and sat down next to her. His back resting against the wall behind them. Rosa hummed in approval.

"It doesn't seem like something small to be honest, this will probably take a lot of time." He said as he examined her drawings. It was of a shield and a sword. The shield designed in a way the boy hadn't seen many places.

Rosa did her best to explain it to him by showing him 2D and 3D drawings of the mechanism of the shield. She loves to talk about her plans and explain how rather complicated technology worked. But a lot of the time people didn't seem too interested. But this boy did. He looked down at her paper with concentrated eyes as he nodded from time to time, all while Rosa moved her fingers along the drawings and explained how the sword would look and how the shield would work.

It was designed so it was built up with layers. So it could open and close almost like a fan. The leather straps would also spring out from it's "container". The container being the center of the shield. When the shield is closed, it would be a little round disc. The shield would be covered in beautiful details. Like the symbols for a lot of the gods. It was obvious the set was meant for a child of Poseidon to have. The decorations on the shield had a water theme over it, and the same with the sword. But other than that, the sword would look like your average (but good) sword.

"And it will be okay, I have time." Rosa ended with a little smile as she looked down at her own plans. Then she came to the realization that she didn't know his name or who this kid was. She guessed it was a son of Hades on his powerful aura.

"My name is Rosa by the way, Hephaestus kid as you probably guessed." She chuckled, and the same did he with a nod.

"Yes I know. My name is Sander, son of Hades." He said with a little smile, but Rosa noticed that his face had a seriousness over it most of the time. Hades kids tended to have that.

They were the ones most people didn't want to talk to. They were the ones who knew more about death than anyone else. Sander had probably seen a lot. Will see a lot. And is probably going through difficult times now. Rosa knew this. And she didn't pity him. She knew better than too pity a son of Hades. But she respected him and wasn't scared of him in any way.

"Well nice to meet you Sander." Rosa said with a smile before turning her eyes back to the finished drawing.

"Such extraordinary..." Sander hummed and Rosa assumed he was talking about her work.

"Thank you."

"So beautiful and has a smart mind as well, how are you not the leader of the Hephaestus cabin?" Sander hummed and Rosa widened her eyes a bit. A pink tint playing on her cheeks.

"I-I don't know. She have been here the longest I guess?" Rosa said with a shrug. And her eyes had motioned up to look at the boy who still had his eyes on the drawing. He hummed and nodded.

"I still think you should be the leader." He said as his eyes never left the paper. Then he looked up at her so his grey eyes met her black ones.

"I gotta go to training now, it was nice talking to you Rosa." He said with a little smile. Rosa was the first person he had talked to by will in a long time. She didn't seem rude or full of herself. He stood up and walked away, leaving Rosa there to her own thoughts. He was the first person to talk to her in a while. She currently didn't have many friends. Well she kinda has Jacob, and Elvida, and her favorite sibling, and the twins. But she had been so distant from everyone the last two years because of the incident...

She didn't want to think about sad stuff now. Therefore she found something else she could occupy her mind with.

Sander was such a flirt. It made her roll her eyes but the pink tint was still playing on her cheeks. She leaned back on the wall and ran her fingers softly over the finished drawing with a little smile.

{Thank you so much for reading!! I know this is probably not very popular as the characters aren't canon, so I really appreciate that you read this!! Sorry that it was so short, the length of the chapters will be very different from each other. The story will also get better and more interesting as you read so please don't judge it by this first chapter. But if you have any comments, feel free to let me know!
Thank you! <3}

Rosa Mc'ellen Where stories live. Discover now