~So many questions~{chapter two}

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Rosa stood in front of the mirror they had on the wall in the cabin. She stroke her tanned fingers over the red and black fabric of her flannel shirt that she wore with her black shorts. It was time to go to dinner. And after that it was the campfire. She decided that she would try to find some of the people she knew. Try to build friendships and all that.

She walked out of the cabin and twirled around on her heel to walk backwards. She smiled a little as she watched the sunset paint the sky in a beautiful pink and orange. Later it would turn in to a mystic green and blue. She knew this. She looked at the sky every evening. The sunsets were often different but they all had these patterns. Tonight the colors were very vibrant and strong. Her black irises reflected the sky. She took this as a good sign before she turned around to walk the right way.

As she walked in the doorway she was immediately hit by the warmness of the big hall. It wasn't unpleasant, more like a cozy warm. As she walked towards the Hephaestus table, her eyes wandered over all the halfbloods sitting and eating. Laughing. Joking. Even though they all had stories of their own, most of them probably very tragic, they sure knew how to have fun. Wonderful smells of food filled her nose. It was soothing and she already knew what she was going to eat.

She wore a grin as she sat down next to a random sibling. She quickly recognized the taller brother though.

"Heya Rosa! You came late." He grinned. He was a boy with red short hair (typical boy-cut). His skin was rather pale but with freckles spread out over his nose and cheeks. Behind his black glasses you could see his light brown irises. His dimples were showing as he smiled at her. She rolled her eyes at his comment. But she couldn't help her chuckle.

"Oh shut up Mike. I came on time!" She said with her hands on her sides. A plate with onion soup appeared in front of her. One of her favorite foods. Her cup filled up with something similar to Pepsi Max.

"You only come for the food anyways." He said and took a bite out of his hot-dog. Rosa squinted her eyes a bit.

"Well yeah...it's dinner. Dinner is food." She said and picked up a spoonful of soup. She blowed a bit on it so the steam over flew away. Mika had a thinking expression.

"Oh...right. Gah, forget it." He said and waved with his hand in front of his face. Rosa laughed and nudged his side playfully.

They continued to eat while talking about all sorts of different things. Also talking with their other siblings. Rosa knew all of them. She had lived in camp for about 7 years now. But she had allowed very few people in to her heart. Almost no one.

She had gotten one very good friend. Who was like a brother to her.
Kace, son of Apollo. But one day about two years ago, he was sent out on a mission. He had joined James son of Hades, on a quest. Kace had disappeared. James and Tulip daughter of Athena, had returned in sorrow. After time they had managed to explain how it happened. The daughter of Hephaestus would never forget the story. It was difficult for everyone to believe he was dead. Rosa especially. And she still hoped he would one day return, give her a big bear hug and say that everything was okay. It stung in Rosa's chest as she thought back on this. A tear threatened to fall down her face but she bit her bottom lip and forced it back.

A voice tore her out of her train of thoughts.

"Rosa you okay?" A pair of concerned light brown eyes looked at her. Rosa managed to give Mike a little smile as she nodded.

"Yeah...yeah I'm fine." She answered him and looked down in her bowl. Only a few meatballs and a bit of bread was left.

"I'm done eating." She said and smiled at everyone. Most of her siblings didn't give her much attention but she felt some concerned eyes on her as she left the table. She heard them whispering something about Kace and she walked faster away. She scraped the rest of her food in the fire and made a quick prayer. She was still not very good at it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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