I just realized that I haven't told you anything about how this works. So before you meet another side of me, the one with the half with lack of words, I need to tell you that it happens to me. I can't control it. For example I will be walking to the bus and everything seems fine. Then when I enter the bus, all of a sudden it feels like my vision changes and my thoughts get taken out of my control.
For me it feels like there is this organism around me, humming, and I am no part of it. As if I am an researcher in the middle of collecting data about this weird new species of animal I found. I know so much about them that I can walk among them without them noticing that I am different, yet I don't feel like I am one of them. Yes that can feel pretty lonely, but the more I feel like I am not a part of it, the more special and lucky I feel that I have the opportunity to observe them. I can decide if I want to go along to what is happening or not.
This vision changing thing can happen anywhere. It happened to me in busses, trains, but also on an empty mountain hill, on my balcony or when I am walking to a grocery shop. It feels like there is a timer that gives me a certain amount of time without the vision, and then when it hits zero it will be time to see the world differently again. I don't mind though. It feels like my eyes are opened and I see the miracles of everyday life. I actually would want to be like that all the time, but unfortunately there is a time limit. Hmm.. I have never tested how long it stays, maybe that's something to look into.
Well A., I hope you're looking forward to meeting my other half. Ha, I just came up with the perfect name for you. At least in my opinion. I think I'm gonna call you Angel. That seems like a nice name. And no, I don't mean to refer to angels. I just like the sound of it and it's easy for anyone to say. So there you go. Nice to meet you Angel, I hope you will enjoy our little talks!
Oh and before I forget to tell you this. I decided not to use dates at the start of me writing something. It doesn't matter if it has been days or just a couple of hours, because my writing will tell you the time difference between the last time I have written anything. It doesn't matter what year it is, or what day of the month. As long as it's sunny it's summer and as long as there is snow it's winter. I know this won't matter to anyone but me. So I will talk to you again on the next day, byebye Angel!
- S
Hey, it's -K. I don't have much to add here except for the fact that all we know now that he or she calls themselves S, and that S doesn't seem to care about time. That doesn't give us any leads on when this happened then except the fact that it was late summer when it ended. All we know now is that S isn't too familiar with English because it's not S's native language. But that's not much to go on. I was hoping to put in more notes, but the editors didn't want me to mess any more with the story. So... This is all I can give for a good start, hopefully you are a quick learner and become a better detective then I am. This is probably the most difficult case I've ever worked on.
Good luck. - K
SpiritualA story about a person who calls him or herself '-K'. He or she found a blue notebook, called Spectator, and couldn't give it back to it's original owner. After reading it once, K is totally captivated by it and keeps re-reading it. In a desperate a...