Sophie Watson had a debt. A debt wasn't just dept ,she had to do was sell her body and soul to the devil.
James pierce was a devil himself, he'd been the head of the biggest empire since his twenties,and had built reputation for b...
I'm here waiting from past twenty minutes and still she is not appear ed.
I checked my phone and email. My PA , she is very hard working. And perfect. But she still so far away to pay her family dept. And I'm not going to do any mercy for her.
Hey, james come down to the earth" David said.
" Sorry, what just you said ???" I asked.
"I said, we have to investigate our rivals" david said.
" Yea, I know that , they are planning something" I said still struggled to control my anger , I kept my voice low.
" We worked our ass off to bring our company to this position. And they are doing something secretly " he said.
My hand tightened around my glass so hard , I was surprised it didn't shattered.
" They are not going to succeed" I said.
" How can you say that, I heared from my sources they are stealing our chances from our investors by spreading some nonsense about, like you have lose character and you have bad drinking habits . They say they didn't wants to lose their billions ". He said .
What . The . Fuck . Is . This. This is . Bullshit Everything is lies.
I slammed my glass on the table, not giving any shit if it break.
"This is all because of that bitch. My previous girlfrnd , she is spreading all these shits," I said coldly.
" Calm down , I know everything but you still have to be careful", he said.
"I don't give a fuck about that cheater , I stood up so fast , I drew my self up to 6'2 full height .
Okay , be careful " he said and exit as fast as he can.
He know my temper. That's why he didn't wants to mess with me right now.
I'm just looking outside from window . The full view of Manhattan . Spread ed in front of my eyes.
I walked outside my office to clear my mind .
Then I saw my PA. Sitting on her chair earring sandwich.
" What did I fucking tell you about eating at your desk ",
I snapped.
" Sorry sir ,I'm just working and suddenly- .............
" Well whatever you thought was fucking wrong " I reached towards her and snnachted sandwich from her hand .
" Is that best you can do on what we pay to you. Sandwich??".
I settled her sandwich to her hand again but . Goddamit.
Sauch dripped on my suit edge .
Her face become more pale . " I'm sorry , mr. James . I'll take it to cleaner right away " she said hurriedly.
" Damn right now . Get me coffee when you return " . I said.
And slammed my office door.
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