@calebx2 I caught this moment while on facetime with a fucking walnut and a ferret. Guess who is who?
👥 @jackgilinsky @sammywilkload more comments
@jackgilinsky I'm guessing i'm the ferret?
@sammywilk Well duh, I'm the walnut dumbass @jackgilinsky
@calebbrowning Boys, Boys, Boys Calm Down 😉 @sammywilk @jackgilinsky
@calebgilinsky I ship this three way so hard
@calebsbabes Was sammy but ass naked? That mofo lifted up his hands and it surprised jack and then it looked like he grabbed his dick?
@drunkoncaleb I'm obsessed with you guys 😭
@skate Where tf was I?
@fatherkels Damn, all these bitches call
@jacks Yayy Jacks Back!!!!
@browningseditz JACK IS BACK, I REPEAT JACK IS BACK. 😭❤️
@katrina_brewer7 why are you hoeing around? like you're with one guy one moment and then another guy the next and you supposedly have a boyfriend? ugh🙄
@jackgilinsky, @sammywilk, @jackj and 592,924 others liked this photo