Cast Call ! ASAP !

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I am sooooo sorry lovees that I havent been updating in like a week but you know school is right around the corner so I was pretty busy with ll this school stuff but now im back doee & ready to give yall another fvking chapter tommrow doee bruh lmao but im kinda changing up the story but only a minor thing im just changing instead of zalika having 3 young siblings she is gonna have 2 older siblings a big bro & big sister and  Im also having cast calls for : 

Nolen Sister : ?

Khalil Sister : ?

Zalika Big Sister : ?

1 other girl In Kayla Clique : ?

2 Girls In Zalika Clique : ?

Nolen Mom : ?

{ To Audition Inbox Me : 1.Your Name 2. Your Race 3.Describe Your Self & 3. Age ? & 4. Should I Add Rated R or Nah ? 5. 

+ Just a question , should i start to add rated r futrther along in the storie or nah ian scared to but i know i might have young readers but i also have older readers so i gotta make yall happy to ! +

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