1: Peter Stone

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Justice A. sauntered gingerly down the halls of her new high school, her dark curls bouncing against her back as she searched for her last class. She had recently moved back to her old home town after spending a year in America with her mother because her former school burned down.

She had caught wind of some of her former friends having been enrolled in Degrassi after Lakehurst had gone up in flames, but she had yet to see any of them. Then again, this was her first day back, so she assumed she would spot them lurking around somewhere.

Since her leave, Justice had completely changed her sense of fashion. Back when she attended Lakehurst, she was considered "one of the guys" and wore nothing but oversized jeans and tank tops. She hung with the "grunge-guys" AKA the bullies, the ones who liked to cause trouble. She wondered if any of them had transferred to Degrassi, or if they had finally decided to just drop out. But she retired her old ways. She was more reserved now and found her way into the world of band-tees, fishnets, lace arm warmers, punk skirts, etcetera etcetera. She normally finished her looks off with her signature calve-hugging combat boots. A little taste of her former Lakehurst days.

Her One Piece embroidered messenger back slapped against her leg as she rushed through the halls, her eyes glued to the crumpled paper in her hand. Obviously not paying attention, she collided into another form of the human species. She quickly uttered her apology as she regained her composure. She felt her lips morph into a smile as she looked up at the very attractive man who stood before her.

A soft chuckle escaped his lips as they spread into a killer smile upon his adorable face. His gray eyes were stunning. "No, it's on me. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." He extended his hand, "Peter."

"Justice." She replied, marveling at how warm she felt when grasping his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Justice. You must be the new girl." He flashed her his signature award winning smile. "Welcome to Degrassi!" He continued. "Catch ya 'round, okay?"

She nodded, and he was off.

Peter, she thought to herself, he's cute.

Justice continued in search for her last class before lunch and became flustered as the late bell rang ten minutes after classes were scheduled to begin. She came upon a bench by a huge window and decided to sit down and reevaluate where she was supposed to be. She studied the map against her schedule over and over, but it just did not make any sense to her. She felt her blood pressure rising and slammed her papers on the ground before throwing her head back. Closing her eyes, she took several deeps breaths to calm herself. This was so frustrating. All she wanted was to live a simple life with minimal stress. All she needed was to get through this last year of school and she could get on with her life. After having such a tough reputation at Lakehurst, she had decided this time to turn over a new leaf. Have a fresh start at a new school with a good reputation for being punctual, not skipping class, and having satisfactory grades. But now she can't even seem to do that right.

"Do you need help with something."

Startled, Justice opened her eyes to find a set of brown ones staring back into hers. She smiled, a bit embarrassed, "That obvious, huh?"

The boy grinned, "Well, by the way you body slammed your papers, I would assume so."

Justice laughed. "This is actually my first day here. I've been asking for help with all of my classes all day, but this one class is giving me the most trouble."

"Let's see what we can do." Taking the papers from Justice, he began to look over them. "My name is Declan by the way. It appears you have Mr. Simpson." He looked back at a group of girls who were standing by a bulletin board. "Claire!" He called out and one of the girls turned to him. "You have Mr. Simpson's class now, don't you?" The girl nodded as she approached them. "Why don't you take Justice there. I'll finish up for you."

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