Chapter One

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Luisa ran the hotel with her brother Raphael, while taking care of her nine, almost ten year old red-headed daughter who loves to run around the Marbella and cause trouble like a certain red head from Luisa's past. After Luisa told Rose she couldn't run away with her, Luisa lost contact with rose and couldn't tell her she was pregnant. Ten years later, powdered donuts show up at Luisa's door, and Rose is back. Luisa tried to keep away and avoid Rose, for the sake of her daughter, but the red heads can't stay away from each other forever.

"Mommy, can we play hide and seek around the hotel again? I'll count first!" The red headed daughter asked her mother with pleading eyes.

"I guess," Luisa chuckled. "Let's go down to the first floor," her mother suggested and opened their door, to see a five pack of powdered donuts. Her breathing hitched as the brunette bent down and picked the up. She stood up and turned to her daughter behind her.

"Are these yours?" She asked, hoping they were.

"No, but I'll take them!" The small girl giggled and reached out for the donuts.

Her mother pulled them away, "no no, we're throwing them out," she said, knowing exactly who they're from, Rose.

Rose was her step mother, and former lover. She's also Sin Rostro, or the man without a face. An international drug lord, and a Leader of illegal plastic surgery ring. Luisa loved Rose with everything she had, but she couldn't run away with her. Not when she was trying to build a relationship with her brother, but of course she didn't know she was pregnant when She turned Rose  down.

"Lock the door when you come out, please" Luisa told her daughter and stepped out into the hallway. She looked left and right before tossing the powdered donuts into a trash can. Her daughter followed her out and made sure the door was locked. She grabbed her mother's hand and they walked to the elevator, before going downstairs to the lobby.

"I'll count first, you go hide," Luisa's daughter told her mother, she Luisa agreed.

The small redhead put her hands over her eyes, and counted while her mother hid in a closet. "One, two, three, four, five, six..." and so on until she got to thirty.

"Ready or not, here I come," she called out and looked around for her mother. After about ten minutes, the young girl groaned. She walked up to a tall woman with sunglasses and natural red curls that laid upon her back.

"Excuse me, miss?" The smaller red head asked, looking up.

"Yes?" Rose asked and bent down to the young girls level.

"Have you seen my mother? We were playing hide and seek but it's been over ten minutes and I can't find her.. can you help me?"

Rose nodded "alright, I'm Rose. It's lovely to meet you, but I haven't seen your mommy. I will help you find her, what does my look like darling?"

"Well, she has brunette hair, kind brown eyes, uhh.." she thought for a moment, "her hair is up in a ponytail and she's wearing a white top and a black skirt. Her name's Luisa," the young girl said to rose and smiled.

Rose gulped, Luisa has a daughter, who appeared to be about ten years old with red hair. This couldn't be a coincidence, the young girls Luisa had to be her Luisa. 

"Oh, she sounds like a lovely woman. I haven't seen her, but we will look" rose offered with a kind and genuine smile.

Luisa's daughter nodded and held out her hand for Rose to take. Rose moved her sunglasses to the top of her head and took the young girls hand. She stood up and the two looked for Luisa. 

Took you like a shot
Thought that I could chase you with a cold evening
Let a couple years water down how I'm feeling about you

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