Chapter Seven

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Rosalie's birthday party went well. There were kids from her school, some kids from else places, such as her swimming lessons, and of course her family, such as her cousins, aunts, and close friends. Luisa had talked to her family the night previous about rose's appearance at the party and after some convincing, Rafael agreed not to do anything when Seeing his nieces other mother at the young girls party. Luisa, in the other hand was surprised at the gifts rose had bought, the substantial amount of presents rose had bought the girl, as well as what they were. When asked, rose admitted to Luisa that she had googled what type of presents a female preteen would like.

Luisa closed the door to her penthouse after the last guest. She sighed deeply before joining her daughter and her daughters other mother on the couch. Rosalie was laying in a mermaid tail blanket playing with a perplexux original ball , both had been given to her, by her red headed mother. The younger red head had her head rested on the elder red head's knee, and the elder was running her fingers through the younger ones hair. She looked up to Luisa as she sat down on the couch across and gave her a small

Luisa couldn't help it as her heart melted at the sight. The young girl was a direct copy of her mother. Luisa could tell that Ross was trying. She really was. After a couple more minutes of rose playing with her hair, the young girl fell asleep. After a moment, rose moved slightly and stood up, taking the young girl into her arms, carrying her.

"Bedroom?" Rose asked, ever so quiet. Luisa led her to a hall and opened up one of three doors on the left wall. Luisa let rose in, and rose set the girl down in her bed gently. She brought the covers up and over the chest letting in small breaths before standing back up and walking to the door. Luisa slipped in and grabbed a stuffed animal from on top of the dresser and set it by Rosalie's side before mumbling an 'I love you' and kissing her forehead.

Soon after, Luisa stepped out of the room and closed the door, leaving it open ajar. Luisa led rose back into the lounge/ living room area and sat down where she was sitting before.

"You raised a gorgeous, smart young woman. I'm not
Surprised.." rose started to say. "When did you find out?"

"Find out?" Luisa questioned, confused for a moment.

"You know..that you were pregnant. Was it before or after you rejected me?" Luisa let out a sigh and before she could respond rose spoke up again.
"I'm sorry. That was rude, I apologize."

"It's alright, rose. I understand how you must feel.. I did keep this.. her from you, all this time. I.. I found out I was pregnant that night. A-after you left. I tried.. I tried to find you that night. But I was two hours late. Every contact was cut off and I.. I was alone. well I wasn't alone." Luisa chuckled with tears threatening to spill from her eyes

"I was three months pregnant carrying your baby.." she bit her lip and quickly wiped her tears from her eyes as they spilled over.

Rose looked down and nodded. "I'd love to be a part of her life. A part.. a part of your life Luisa"

Luisa looked up to rose and sighed "it's going to be hard.. trusting. It doesn't come easily."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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