Part 1

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Beep... beep... beep.

Dads alarm clock again. 3:45 am, right on the dot. Phil mumbled to himself as he pulled the blanket up over his head. The curly black naps slid and pulled over his ears. I guess it's time to get up too. The rug slapped the sides of his feet when he sat up. They dangled off of the bed as he yawned and stretched.

The house is quiet, except for the sounds of the shower down the hallway. As he walked down they grew louder until he passed the bathroom. Soft tiptoes beat quietly when his sock pressed on the wood floor. He stood facing the closed bedroom door and slowly reached for the knob. The creak sent shivers down his spine and the whine of the door made him jerk it open, to rid the noise faster.

Six simple steps and there it sat; the box his father cherished more than life itself. He stared in amazement before even thinking about putting a finger on it. The lock was brand new and changed every month by his father. The box shined but showed its crimson damage near the corners. What's so important in here anyways? The copper and iron combination lock felt cold between his hands as he gripped. The key has got to be here somewhere. The grip loosened and his puffy black curls swung around until he faced the oddly placed crystal lamp. As he lifted up the heavy object, a silver item fell and bounced on the carpet.

With a couple click and a knock the fresh lock swung down. The metal door glided open with a faint cry. Inside was a stack of four old VCR tapes and an older looking contraption. All that's in here is old video games and a stupid doll.

The tape rested on his lap. "The most important thing I've ever created", Phil mocked.

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