Part 2

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The VCR player pulled in the tape and Phil sat with his legs folded on the floor. The TV flipped on and showed black and white static until the face angled in the camera appeared. The arms of the old man in the video were fixed on the sides of the camera for adjustment.

"Is this thing on...?" A crackly voice called in the background. "Can ya hear me alright son?"


"If you are watching this, my name is P. J Lovinhood III, and this is my creation for you son." The man angled the camera again and showed a tiny droid. This can't be right, my dad was the 4th generation. The shower sounds stopped along with a loud crashing sound of the water being released from the spout to the tub but the video held his eyes.

"This is going to change the world." The bot powered on and lifted its flat, what seemed to be head, up with two glowing dots for eyes. The scratchiness of his voice blew over the camera and the words he said began to crescendo. "I've learned that everyone wants this bot and its dangerous if in the wrong hands. I spent years keeping it away from mankind but the only place I can trust nobody finding it, is with you. It's the most advanced piece of the space time continuum! Listen closely son, I'm going to go to the future to talk to you man to man, don't trust anyone! After you've watched this tape, destroy it. We must keep this a..."

The screen showed static. Phil bent down to look under the television set and there sat two black boots. Before he could say anything a deep voice whispered. "Phil, you stupid old man," His father's body moved out from beside the screen, "you shouldn't have even trusted your own son".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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