Chapter One - Stumbling

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I stumbled, my foot caught in a crack in the nether brick and I ended up on my face. Looking up from the spot where I lay I realized just how hopeless it was that I would get out of here. The only thing to illuminate the space around me was the lava below.

If I was going to try and get out of here I had to hurry, but I didn't want to move. Everything hurts. The pain that becoming a shadow knight causes is immense and plentiful. It was supposed to just be a quick trip in and out but they caught me, I hope my friend got away.

I heard footsteps and began to accept the fact that I was doomed to become one of them.

"Are you okay?"

I hadn't heard this voice before. It had a growl like every shadow knight's did but I could hear a smooth tone below it. I still hadn't answered him.

"I'm okay I think."

"Let me help you up."

I reached out and grabbed his hand without looking and he pulled me up effortlessly.

I took in the appearance of the stranger. He was beautiful. Handsome was not a strong enough word to describe him, he was almost pretty even. His dirty blond hair was perfect despite whatever trouble he had probably just been causing.

"Who are you?"

"R-Rinette. My name is Rinette."

"What are you doing here."

I hurriedly explained my situation to him hoping he would understand and help.

"Okay Rinette I'm Laurance, let's get you out of here."

"Thank you."

I was surprised that he was helping, I guess some shadow knights are okay.

As we started running for the exit I was getting dizzy. I'm not quite sure why, probably because I've been through a lot today. We stopped running for just a minute so I could catch my breath.

"Where are you going when we get out of here?"

I turned to face him, "well I don't want to go back to my village for.... reasons. However, I had a place in mind."

"And where's that?"

He was actually listening to me. He actually cares and genuinely wanted to know. This is different for me, where I come from, most people are cold and unfriendly.

"Well there's a story behind it."

"I do enjoy a good story."

"Are you sure," he gave me a quick nod and a smile. "So a long time ago this lady, her name was Aphmau, came to the strawberry village where I lived. She was so nice and friendly and welcoming to my company. Anyway, before she left she told me I'd always be welcome in her village, Phoenix Drop."

"You know Aphmau," it seemed to almost halt him. He grew a haunted look in his eyes but it quickly went away. "I know her too, I used to live in Phoenix Drop."


"Yes, but we should keep moving."

And on we went. I tried my best to keep up with him, but I seemed to always be a few paces behind. He's very quick.

If we came out in the same place I came in we'll be in a dense forest. My friend and I got lost several times just trying to get to the portal, I can't imagine what it'll be like trying to get out.

Suddenly I heard fast heavy footsteps behind us. I whipped around facing the shadow knight and as I reached for my sword I realized I didn't have it, they had taken it from me. I ducked down just as his sword came to, most likely, cut off my head.

"Gene," I heard Laurance's voice from behind me and he didn't sound happy.

"Laurance! Is that you? Long time no see. You know you're wanted? Right?"

"Wanted for being a good person? Yeah I know," Laurance answered.

"You really shouldn't disobey like this. Shad says you're to be the leader of his army. I do have to say I'm upset it wasn't me."

"Go ahead take it, you know I don't want it."

"I don't even know why he'd give it to you in the first place, I mean you led Aphmau's army and we see how that ended."

In a flash Laurance charged forward sword out ready to strike. The other guy, Gene, didn't have enough time to act before Laurance struck knocking him unconscious.

"Let's go, we don't have much time before more find us," he said before taking off running making sure that I was behind him.

I ran after him hoping we were close to the portal. I could see it up ahead and I pushed myself to go faster. Laurance stopped at the portal a few feet in front of me and I came to rest next to him. I feel weak.

"Ready," he asked me.

I nodded, "ready."

We stepped through and there was a bright light. I fell onto my hands and knees on the other side of the portal.

The sun blinded me and that was a blessing.

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