Chapter Two - Back To My World

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I looked up from the ground where I was still on my hands and knees. This isn't the portal I went in, no, this was a completely different place. All around me was a stone fortress dotted with what looked like hundreds of guards.

"Code red," one shouted.

At once all of their weapons came out. I could see men and women high up in the fortress with bow and arrow and closer to the ground soldiers held swords.

I waited for them to rush forward and overpower us. We would probably be dead in minutes, there were too many of them for us to take on.

I stood up and closed my eyes to try and gain focus. I wasn't feeling too well ever since I stepped into the portal.

I looked over at Laurance, his chest heaved with each breath he took and his eyes darted around trying probably to think of a way out. I was entranced by him in this moment he looked so beautiful. He was a beautiful man. I shook my head turning back to look at the stoney wall.

"Stand down," a woman's deep voice called. "Is that who I think it is… Laurance?"

Her voice called his name timidly as if when she said it she was afraid he would disappear.

The lady came to stand in front of us she had powder blue hair and a set of matching eyes.


He knows her?

She came up the steps to stand in front of us.

"I can't believe you're here. The last time we went into the portal you said we could never save you. We were scared for you Laurance."

"I know, I'm sorry."

A tear slipped down her cheek as she went to hug him.

"Aphmau and Garroth, heck all of us have been worried sick about you. We missed you."

"I thought Garroth was angry with me."

Garroth like from O'Kahsis Garroth? Laurance may be more complicated than I thought.

"Garroth isn't mad he just thinks you shouldn't have left."

"I didn't really have a choice anymore."

"I think you did, but I don't want to argue about that now. Who's this Laurance?"

"I'm Rinette."

"I found her in the Nether trying to escape. I don't know how long ago she was turned or if she was turned all the way."

"Let's get that armor off of you Rinette. I'm Katelyn."

She got all of the armor off and by the time she did I was feeling very weak. Without the armor I couldn't stand. I feel down in a puddle on the ground.

"Rinette!" Laurance kneeled down next to me. "It's gonna be okay. It makes you weak and it hurts. I know. It took my sight away."

Through the slits of my eyes I could see him holding out his hand. I took it and he squeezed my hand.

"Send for Travis," Katelyn called.

"Travis is here," Laurance asked still holding my hand.

"Yes, it's just me and him here though. You've missed a lot Laurance."

"I know. I should never have left. I was so..... Aphmau's child."


I could feel Laurance's hand trembling so this time I squeezed his hand.

"How much have I missed?"

"Aphmau is Lady Irene."

"What," his voice shook.

"Everyone knows it too. Phoenix Drop is very busy now."

"We've got to go. She planned to go there anyway."

I opened my eyes and took my hand back. I tried to stand up but couldn't without their help.

"I'm feeling a bit better. Sorry."

"You're fine."

"Laurance," came a man's quiet voice from behind me.

I turned around to see a man with white hair and green eyes, he wasn't bad looking either.

"Travis, it's good to see you."

"It's good to see you too."

It felt very awkward now that Travis was her.

"How long have I been in there," Laurance said looking back to the portal.

"Almost four years," Travis responded.

Launce hung his head and his bangs flopped down around his face. He raised his head and his hair fell neatly back into place.

"I've got to see Aphmau, now."

"Good thing it's not a long trip then. We're just in Bright Port."

"This is the Bright Port portal?"

Katelyn shook her head yes. Laurance turned to the portal and put his hand on it. He was silent.

"Are you okay," I asked.

He turned to look at me so many different emotions in his eyes, happiness, sadness, anger, and so much more. "Yes. Let's go."

"Travis stay here and hold down the fort, I'll take them to Phoenix Drop. You two wait for me by the front gate, I'm going to get my things."

She walks away and then Laurance and I begin to as well.

"Laurance. You shouldn't have left."

"I know that."

"Aphmau needed you. We all split up and if you were here I know you would have stayed with her."

"Then why did you leave her if she needed someone so badly Travis?"

I watched as Laurance turned to Travis with anger in his eyes.

"I had to leave! I had my own duties!"

"I did too!"

"No! You gave in to the calling."

"Don't.... Travis....."

"Go. Go see her. She still needs you."

Laurance and I arrived at the front gate in complete silence to find Katelyn already waiting there.

"What kept you guys?"

"Nothing, let's go."

My feet started to hurt as the trip went on. In my defense though I didn't have shoes and my clothes were tattered from the Nether.

"We're here."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2018 ⏰

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