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      Yoongi's head feels fuzzy. A good fuzzy, which is weird in and of itself, because how can fuzzy be good? Yoongi doesn't know. All he knows is that he feels peaceful. Relaxed. Good.

      The first thing that Yoongi notices past the fuzzy feeling, is that he's abnormally warm. Not warm like the stove top or a fever, but warm like hot cocoa and puppies. A good warm. Yoongi, being so small, has always had a problem of producing enough body heat to stay warm, so he almost always wakes up cold and shivering. So the odd feeling of warmth is openly welcomed.

      The second thing that Yoongi's brain grasps is that something is wrapped all the way around his torso, and respectively Yoongi is wrapped around it. Both arms and legs. Which is kind of embarrassing, but who's Yoongi to care? He's Agust D. Besides, whatever he's cuddled up to feels soft, warm, and vaguely familiar.

      The third and last thing that Yoongi notices is that... his head is fuzzy, and someone is cuddling him. Which can only mean one thing.

      Someone knows. Someone found out about the idiot. 

      Yoongi's eyes snap open, and his head shoots up, causing the hand that was resting comfortably in his hair to fly off into the cushions of the couch. The soft face of the sleeping boy holding tightly onto Yoongi is instantly matched with a name, and Yoongi feels all of the blood draining out of his face.

      Jimin. He knows. 

      Jimin knows about the idiot.

      In a panic Yoongi flails out of the fuzzy blanket encasing him, and falls out of Jimin's lap; crashing on the floor with a painful thump. With his back now screaming profanities at him, Yoongi attempts to scramble to his feet, but his skinny legs, still mostly numb from sleep, cause him to trip over his own ankles and crash painfully to the floor yet again.

      Behind Yoongi, Jimin jolts awake at the loud noise, and a shout tears out of the his throat at the sight of his skinny hyung sprawled out on the floor.

      "Hyung!" Jimin tosses the blanket off himself, and Yoongi watches through pain-clenched eyes as Jimin crawls onto the floor beside him, "Are you okay? What happened?"

      Yoongi feels his body start to reject air as he stares; blindsided by the sudden unfortunate turn of events. His lungs race to keep up, but nothing can erase the terrifying knowledge from his mind.

      Jimin knows. Jimin knows.

      "Hyung--- should I-- should I not call you hyung right now?" Jimin, oblivious as to why Yoongi is losing his mind, scrambles to find a way to calm his nearly hyperventilating hyung down, "Baby- baby, what's wrong?"

      Did he just-- did he just call me baby?!

      Yoongi's rapid-fire breaths speed up, and his hands reach out to clench onto Jimin's shoulders; the lack of air making him dizzy. 

      Min Yoongi- you're such a freak. You're an ugly, hideous, helpless freak. You can't live on your own. You can't even breathe on your own! And your youngers call you disrespectful things like baby! I can't believe- I can't believe...

      Jimin pulls Yoongi onto his lap, and Yoongi lets him; unable to do anything except concentrate on how much of a freak he is for enjoying Jimin's gentle touches and sweet nicknames.

      Why did I like it?

      "Come on, baby, breathe with me." Jimin whispers into Yoongi's sensitive ears, the panic underlying the younger boy's voice burning through Yoongi's conscience, "Take a deep breath in, the hold it-- breath with me, you can do it! Come on, deep breath-- there you go! Hold it for 8 seconds..."

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