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In all of the tales from days of yore, those of mythic heroes and legendary beasts, the beginning of the story is always the same. The subject of said legend, whether it be a warrior of immeasurable strength or simply a young woman searching for a way home, has never looked the gods in the eye and demanded something to happen. The event that will eventually inspire a change in a hero never happens on an extraordinary day. Challenge is thrust upon a warrior when they least expect it, at the most inopportune times.

Cyrus circles the passage carefully with his quill. He's not incredibly sure why the words speak to him, but something in his chest seems to flutter as he scans the page again and again. He doesn't know it yet but in a mere couple of days, he will be chasing his own sort of legend, a tome of great importance that has fallen into the worst hands imaginable. He will face horrors he will never be able to unsee. He will learn that perhaps he needs some work when it comes to interacting with the fairer sex. But most importantly, he will set out on a journey that will change the course of history forever, a journey that will be detailed for decades to come in books just like the one sitting in his lap. 

But for now, he reads, thoughts of heroes and legends dancing like a storm of fire in the back of his mind. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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