Sick Day (Logan)

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Sick Day -Logan One Shot

"I promise. I'm totally fine, Logan. It's just a cough." You defended, swatting his hands away. You had been coughing all day and honestly felt terrible, but you would never admit that to him.

"Well, it sounds terrible." He argued, trying to look at you. Honestly, sometimes it felt like he was your mother more than your boyfriend.

"Can we just not right now?" You huffed, unable to form words before you sneezed.

"Okay, that's it. We're going back inside the apartment." He declared, packing up everything. You groaned, rolling your (E/C) eyes.

"It's just allergies. I swear!" You lied, raising your hands in surrender. Logan scoffed, rolling his brown eyes as he continued to pack.

"As if. Pollen count is low today." He replied. He checks the pollen count? Who does that?

"Well, it's a beautiful day outside and-" you began before you sneezed again.

He crossed his arms across his chest and arched an eyebrow at you. You knew there was no way to fight him. Logan could be more stubborn than an ass sometimes. And this was one of those times.


"I told you, I'm fine." You groaned, sitting on the couch in the apartment.

"Yeah, but you're not." He argued, fumbling through the kitchen cabinet, looking for the right medicine to 'cure' you.

"(Y/N) sounds fine to me." Carlos shrugged from the kitchen counter.

"Thank you, Carlos." You smirked, crossing your arms over your chest. Logan rolled his eyes, ignoring Carlos. For once, he didn't fire back a response back him. That definitely wasn't a good sign.

"Open wide." Logan declared, holding thermometer by your mouth.

"That's what she said!" Carlos shouted from the kitchen, making you laugh. As soon as your mouth opened, Logan quickly shoved the thermometer under your tongue.

"Hey!" You exclaimed, watching Logan and Carlos laugh.

"Gotcha good." Logan grinned, watching the thermometer in your mouth. You pouted, scrunching your nose in annoyance.

"Sorry, (Y/N). I owed Logan back." Carlos stated from the kitchen. Before you could mumble back an apology, Logan snatched the thermometer from your mouth.

"Ow. You could have pulled that out a little gentler." You complained, rubbing your jaw.

"That's what she said!" Carlos immediately shouted. You peeked around Logan, glaring at him. "Sorry. I couldn't resist." He replied.

"Ha!" Logan cheered, missing what had just happened. "102! You've got a fever!" He grinned, pointing at the thermometer.

"I'm just really hot, okay? It's very warm in here," you defended. Logan studied you, clearly not believing you. "Plus I'm not sure you should really be cheering about me having a fever."

"Oh, right. I should be fixing it." He quickly replied, rushing into the kitchen. You groaned, slouching into the couch.

He came back, carrying so many health items you felt like you were actually in the local drugstore. "Wait, wait. I never agree to you taking care of me."

"Oh, come on, (Y/N). You know I need more practice at this type of stuff if I want to become a doctor." He pouted. Now was your chance to go for the kill.

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