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Izuka was stunned that the random man that she saved a week ago was offering her a chance to get into UA. Being a top school, it was also the hardest to get into, and even harder to stay in. In fact, she heard this one teacher, Eraserhead if she recalled, had expelled his entire class after one day this one time, not too long ago.

"Uh, I-I don't know. I-I'm not that interested in being a hero, I'm more into working with nature, and although I didn't check, I don't think that UA can offer a position for an environmentalist. So..." Izuka trailed off.

Toshinori was wondering how to sway this one. Unlike most people these days, she seemed to be uninterested in heroics for some reason.

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Well, the only kind of heroes I've seen in the past were usually those that were doing such 'heroics' just to advertise themselves, gain glory, and give the wrong message on what a hero should be, and don't get me started on how much they cling to their quirks, thinking it can solve all their problems." Izuka said scratching her cheek. "What ever happened to the simple times, when people learned for scholarly fulfillment , focusing on the community, and advancing towards human achievement in a more humane way? Greece was such an example. Sadly, even it's prime had to come to an end..." Izuka trailed off.

'She has a point. I've seen those types of heroes in a little too often.' Toshinori thought until a light bulb went off in his head.

"Well, I also came to ask about your quirk. From what I know, It's said that you have just a lightning quirk, and that's powerful enough. But there was a villain that got lightning and fire burns. And I learned you can also understand animals. It's like you have multiple quirks at once. What exactly is your quirk?" He said.

Ah, he's getting to the point now. He'd be prying if she No point in hiding it. She pulled the front of her shirt, to show her unusual birthmark.

"You have heard of the Greek gods and goddesses right?" Izuka asked as Toshinori nodded.

"Well, my quirk is called Greek Deity Physiology. I can use all the powers and traits of the gods of the Greek Pantheon. You can imagine how much power I have. But in order to have it, the person in question has to have this birthmark, which is the symbol of the Greek gods." Izuka summerized. "To keep this a secret, the doctor told me that I have to keep quiet about it so I wouldn't be pursued by villains, and even heroes. No one would want to let someone like me slip away so easily. We're pretending I have a lightning Quirk."

"Ah, that makes sense." ' And lucky in my case. If the league of villains found out about her first rather than me... I don't want to think about it.' Toshinori thought grimly.

"I can understand your choice, although if you change your mind, I would like to see you at Municipal Beach next week." Toshinori said before he left.

"Ah, ok then."
Izuka thought about it over the week, and decided to go to the beach. When she got there, she saw a whole bunch of trash on the once beautiful place.

"Is this really the beach? It looks more like a trash heap."

"Hard to believe, but it was once in a beautiful beach." Toshinori said as he appeared. "Then people started throwing garbage around here, without thinking, and that's how it ended up like this. Either way, let's just focus on your training, little missy! We'll see how far you can take your abilities, and their limits, but first things first we'll train your physical strength without them. For the most part, you're going to get rid of all this trash," he said as he turned into his muscular form, and sent some trash hurtling to the ocean.

" you do realize you sent some trash into the ocean, and it'll pollute it." Izuka bluntly said.

Before All Might said anything, the trash he hurtled was sent back and hit him on the noodle.

"OW! Who did that?" He said as he looked around, and Izuka saw a sea creature with a mad face, making angry noises before disappearing under the waves.

"What was that?" All Might asked.

"He lives around here, but he prefers to be solitary. He just said for you not to litter his home, along with something else. And trust me you don't want to know what he said."

"Ok then, well let's get to training."

"Alright, All Might-sensei!"
8 months had passed, two months shorter than Toshinori expected, but the girl he was hoping to be his successor went past his expectations. She had cleared the beach, and got anything recyclable over to a proper disposal center.

Vaguely, she could hear herself saying, "I did it... All Might. I did it!" Slowly the feeling of utter fatigue was leaving her body. "Yeah, you surprised me, you cheeky entertainer!" All Might exclaimed as he gently put Izumi down to stand on her own. "Teenagers are amazing! Here, take a look." Izuka looked up and saw All Might showing her a picture of herself. In her honest opinion, she looked pathetic in it.

She took the photo and used her Hestia flames to burn it.

"That's... horrible All Might. Never publish that, I look like a total wimp."

"No need to fret, oujou-chan. I'd never compromise your work like that. Now, that was you from 10 months ago. You did great. You really did! There's now some serious muscle on you!" Toshinori said.

This statement completely woke Izuka up from her tired state, she looked down at her body and saw defined muscles and screamed, as if offended. "I look like a beefed-up female body builder!" She was horrified, how had her clients not seen how obscene her body has become!

Her horrified expression had Toshinori chucking and a sweat drop form at the back of his head. "You're nowhere near a female body builder. I suspect look more like an extremely athletic lady focusing too much on your core muscles. But that doesn't matter! You've built yourself to the point that you're probably stronger than most female heroines and some heroes! Unfortunately, this is as far as I can help you with. What I would do so that you'd get an offensive type quirk to help you along your way to be a hero but alas, there's no way that I know of."

All Might's words sounded weird to her. Her instincts tell her that her mentor as lying to her. But, why? Well for now, she decided to leave it be.

"By the way, how are your new organs doing?" Izuka asked, changing the subject.

"Oh, their doing well, thanks to you, Izuka. I feel more energetic than in the last four years." He said.

"That's good, but what ever happened to you, you need to be more careful. It's okay to put the people before yourself. But it's just as important to take care of yourself as well. If you don't consider your health, you may get hurt instead of helping anyone." Izuka told All Might.

All Might looked at Izuka as she said this.

"I-I see." He said as he scratched his cheek.

Izuka looked at the pro hero being flustered, and couldn't help but think that it's kind of cute.

"E-either way, since we finished this part of training two months early, we can focus on your powers now."

For those two months, Izuka focused on her powers and limits. She could tap into a good portion of the Greek gods powers, but needed to work on her Hades abilities.

Either way, this a big step towards her future.

MHA: Chosen by Olympus (Adopted by OliviaStarling8)Where stories live. Discover now