It hurts. | Burr & Theodosia Sr. | Hamilton

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'Dear theodosia,

It hurts to see you like this. It hurts to know that anytime, you could just leave us on this earth forever. It hurts me so much that i may never see your beautiful face again. It hurts to think that you may never see our daughter become a young woman right before your very eyes. I love you so much theodosia, ever since the first time i saw you with my very own eyes, i knew you were the one. You've made me the happiest man on earth. I love you so much theodosia, i hope i shall see you again in the afterlife.

Your faithful, husband
Aaron Burr.'

His hands shake whilst writing the letter to his slowly dying wife. Tears, threaten to fall. His heart hurts. Every aspect in this moment hurts like a bullet shot in the heart for the man. He looks away from the parchment, and walks away from the writing desk to go see his young daughter.

He smiles at his sleeping daughter. he smiles At her cheeks, dusted with pink. He smiles At how much she looks like her mother.

Tears fall down as he remembers, Theodosia. His dying wife. It hurts.

204 words

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