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Joshua's POV

Two years ago

I'm sitting on a bench in front of school and waiting for Min-Ji to walk out so we can finally head home. Our schedules don't match so I have to wait sometimes but that's my choice and I don't regret it

"Min-Ji!", I called out the prettiest girl in the group. She looked around in confusion until her eyes fell on me

"Thank you for waiting!", she exclaimed and kissed my cheek. So cute. I took her hand in mine and we walked like that to her house, after we share a kiss and say our cheesy goodbyes I head home with her in my thoughts. I love it so much, I can't imagine a single day without seeing her. I can't imagine a life without my main source of happiness. She became my everything in such a short period of time. How did all of this start?

By Min-Ji approaching me first. I was shy and preferred to be alone, even so Min-Ji thought I was interesting and befriended me. We'd study together every day because we're both ambitious, take long walks and talk about everything. I immediately fell in love with her pure mind, wild imagination, and not caring about what others think of her

"It doesn't count if it's not coming from mum or you", is what she'd say all the time. 

I adored her kind heart helping everyone, even classmates she had arguments with. She'd save animals from streets even though it got her into trouble at home. Her determination... is visible in her bright eyes. Nothing was too hard or impossible for Tsubaki Min-Ji. Need a friend to talk to at 3 a.m.? She's on her way. Forgot lunch? Have hers. Don't feel like going to the store or cleaning the house? She'll be more than glad to do it. As I admired her strong will and hard-work I always wondered what made her that way? She's an excellent friend and definitely an honest person but what's her secret? That's when I realized that I don't really know the real Min-Ji, and we've been dating for a year. What has drawn me to her is real but there's more and I really want to know what it is. One day I decided to ask her bluntly about it, pointing out that she doesn't have to answer if it makes her uncomfortable 

"Sometimes ignorance is bliss", she answered

"It's making me more curious if you say that"

"I'm scared that you'll leave me if I tell you everything"

"Min-Ji, you know very well that's not something I'd do"

"Let me reveal you another secret I haven't told anyone", I squeezed her hand as a sign that I'm listening and here no matter what she's about to say

"I had a series of weird dreams, I think they might be connected because similar people appear but it's still not clear what's the point. At first I saw a random girl get divided into many other girls and each had a characteristic the main girl lacked so she was left with nothing and led a sad unfulfilled life"

"What about the rest?"

"They moved on with their own lives. What's interesting though is that I was one of them, I had some characteristics the main girl didn't. For example, one was a talented musician with a positive attitude, one was a brilliant physicist, then there was this one that acted like my friend but I've never seen her in my life. She was mysterious but confident, like, I wanted to be her"

"What do you have that the main girl doesn't?"

"If you ask me, nothing. But, she said that she gifted me with beauty and intellect"

"You talked to her?"

"Not really, we gathered and listened to what she had to say. I only got to the part I just told you and woke up"

Ever since that, everything went downhill. Something was going on and she wouldn't tell me no matter how hard I tried to convince her. I told her a million times that she doesn't have to carry the burden on her own, it hurt when she refused to rely on me.

It may sound disgusting but I blamed her best friend the entire time. She's toxic, manipulative and Min-Ji's opposite. How did she even befriend her? Well, that's the picture I created from Min-Ji's stories, I never actually met that friend of hers. 

I woke up to a text saying Min-Ji is sick and that I should visit. This is my second time being here, she doesn't like having guests and displaying how her family lives but I don't care about that. I want to make sure she's fine

"Joshua", she cried and my heart ached as I kneeled next to her bed and kissed her burning forehead

"I'm here"

"What's wrong with me?"

"Nothing, you're perfect", I answered without hesitation

"Why won't she leave me alone then?"

"Who? What happened?"

"It's Aiko again", of course it is... I've never seen Min-Ji so weak and worn out. Even so she manages to look decent and beautiful, but I want it to stop. I want her to get well and quit everything with that friend 

"Please tell me what she did this time"

"She told me how I'm going to die and I saw it in my dream"

"Min-Ji, trust me when I tell you this: no actual friend would EVER say something disturbing like that. Why did you let her get to your head like this?", she didn't answer. I want to cry out my heart in frustration. Someone made the love of my life like this and I don't know how to help

"Joshua...", I looked at her, surprised at the sudden change. She's smiling like a goddess, caressing my hair and I'm just enjoying the moment

"Don't worry, we'll get through this"

"Yes, I promise"

When she fell asleep I silently got out of the room and closed the door. I was about to leave when her mother called me 

"Thank you for coming over, she really wanted to see you", my heart

"I'd do anything for her"

"You're such a sweet guy, Joshua", she pinched my cheek, a thing she does all the time but I don't mind. Her smile faded and I got worried, it's like she remember something important and called me to the kitchen to make sure Min-Ji doesn't hear us

"I have to be honest with you, I'm sure you'll understand", I nodded and she continued

"She told you about Aiko?"


"No one likes it, not the slightest. That's why I had to get involved as a mother who wants to protect her child"

"Of course"

"I don't know what to think anymore... who do I ask for help?"

"What's wrong with Aiko?"

"Joshua... Aiko doesn't exist", what?

Now, let's get back to present. 

It's a lot of information and confusing at first but give it time and a few more chapters.

It took me a while to connect the dots too but when I did I found a way to Seoul. Next thing I know she's already moved on and building something special with that Jungkook guy. I love seeing her smile and laugh so much, she was much different when we ended our relationship by her demand. I'll always let Min-Ji have it her way. Jungkook? Not so much. 

Because I want her back.

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