Part 3

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"Can I?" Hak asked quietly, rather nervously taking hold of Shin-ah.

Shin-ah gave a small nod, he retrieved the bottle and gave Hak a layer. Hak carefully started sliding his hand over Shin-ah, with Jaeha's complaint niggling in the back of his mind he made extra sure he wasn't gripping too tightly this time. Almost immediately small whimpers escaped Shin-ah's lips, his arms wrapping more tightly around Hak. Hak allowed himself a small smile, a feeling of triumph igniting, taking away some of his worry. Hak suddenly wondered if this was the first time Shin-ah had been touched by someone else, it wouldn't be surprising, Hak only had his first encounter the other day after all.

Hak was brought back from his mental ponderings by a sensation in his shoulder, he was being bitten. Hak stared at Shin-ah for a moment, wondering quite what he was doing. Was he trying to stop himself from making those sounds? Did he think it was erotic? Or.. perhaps he just simply didn't know what to do with his mouth. Had he ever kissed anyone? Hak questioned suddenly at a loss, and was growing more confused as he noted that he was actually rather enjoying the slight pressure and pain coming from being bitten.

This was no good. Hak was losing his mind he was sure, he needed to do something about it.

"Shin-ah.." Hak voiced softly.

It had the desired effect, Shin-ah seemed to realise what he was doing and relinquished his grip.

"Sorry Ha-"

Hak had taken hold of Shin-ah's chin, bringing him around for a kiss, stealing his words away. It was an awkward kiss, Shin-ah's mask getting in the way somewhat. Hak cautiously raised his free hand to the mask, Shin-ah made no move to stop him so he continued to carefully lift it from his face. Shin-ah had closed his eyes, Hak felt slightly disappointed, but wasn't at all surprised. He took in the blush colouring the pale face with satisfaction, Shin-ah was biting his lip, trying not to gasp as Hak continued his motions, using long pulls that had Shin-ah trembling beneath him.

Hak tried again with the kiss, but their movements were clumsy and timing uncoordinated, their inexperience manifesting itself.

"Can't.. breath.." Shin-ah said in his quiet voice, pulling away from Hak slightly.

"Okay." Hak murmured. He'd give up for now, Shin-ah wasn't ready for deeper more intimate kisses, he seemed content how they were before. Shin-ah rested his forehead on Hak's shoulder, but refrained from biting him this time. He was now beginning to really shudder as the build-up within him started to feel almost unbearable, he was clenching his teeth but still the husky moans escaped from him, his ears were ablaze with pink.

"Hak.." Shin-ah groaned a little breathlessly. "Can I..?"

Could he what? Was he checking it was okay to finish? They were already a mess, a little bit more wasn't going to make a difference at this point.

"Yeah." Hak confirmed.

Shin-ah stilled Hak's hand and pushed him onto his back with the other, using a calm but firm grip. Hak's eyes widened slightly, he was abruptly aware he had misunderstood what Shin-ah was asking permission to do. Hak's heart thudded uncertainly in his chest, did he want this? The idea of being bottom hadn't even crossed his mind with Jaeha. Would he understand why it hadn't been the same for Jaeha if he did it this way? Hak was curious, wondering what he'd put Jaeha through as the memories of him clinging to him stirred inside him.

Hak tried to ignore the weight like lead that felt like it was slowly trickling into his lungs, trying to quell the feeling constricting and crushing his chest. This was what Jaeha wanted wasn't it, he'd put Shin-ah up to this after all. He also wanted Hak to forget about him... then that's what he'd do. Jaeha had seemed to enjoy it at least, seeing if it felt good was fine right? If it was just for fun, then it didn't have to be Jaeha. At worst he could just tell Shin-ah to stop, Hak had faith that Shin-ah would listen to him.

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