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"Hosoek get the guest room ready for when he finishes! Jimin and Taehyung find out everything you can about Hyung-Sik and Y/N's real father, along with who her father is. Namjoon and Jungkook, we have three of the men who worked for Hyung-Sik, two of our guy's found them near the building after we left. I'll go help Hoseok preparing the rooms for Mina and Y/N, Jin will be hungry so I'll make something for all of us." Yoongi hyung ordered all of us to do something to keep us busy while Jin finished the operation on Y/N.

We are all on edge ever since it started, which was 6 hours ago, all this time we had been waiting at the house for any info on her but Yoongi finally snapped. We left Mina at the hospital in case something did happen Jin would tell her and she would inform Jimin about it. The hyungs knew I wasn't ok and wanted to help they just didn't know how they had never seen me like this but we all knew if there was anyone who could save Y/N it would be Jin hyung. He was one of the best doctors in the entire country.

"What do you want us to do with them?" Namjoon hyung questioned the orders Yoongi had given us but I knew exactly what he wanted us to do. He most likely saw it in my eyes and gave Namjoon a pat on the shoulder as everyone started on their tasks.

"Ask Jungkook, he seems to know" was all he said and followed Hoseok upstairs.

"What are we going to do with them? They're no good to us, we know what happened already don't we?" He looked at me and a smirk spread across my face.

"But not 'why' hyung, and that's what we are going to find out. Come one, let's go introduce ourselves" I started towards the door to the basement, footsteps followed behind.

We stopped in front of one of the door's of our shared basement, the room specifically meant for unwanted guests, without thinking twice I opened it and stepped inside. I was met with three men sitting in chairs with a rag around their heads. They're body's were fairly fit and were around my height, their heads stayed hanging even after I opened the door meaning they were either asleep or knocked out.

"Look's like they are still out" Namjoon spoke from the door watching me watch the men.

"That's no good hyung, we need them us" I had an evil smile from ear to ear, these men knew something about Hyung-Sik and whatever the hell he wanted with Y/N, they also took part in abducting her and possibly torturing her. Now, it was my turn to have my fun. I walk toward's the sink in the corner and fill a small bucket with freezing cold water, I feel Joon looking over my shoulder with a confused face probably wondering why I wanted water.

"You're going to...give them water..?" He spoke as I left him standing at the sink, I nod and motion for him to take the hood over the first man.

"That's exactly what I'm going to do," I say and thank him after the hood is removed and he moves to stand behind me. I lift the bucket and swing it back then forth with all my strength the water hitting all three hard. the men come to their senses and notice the state they are in, then notice my hyung and me.

"Good morning boys" Namjoon speaks from behind me now finally realizing what my plan was.

"Who the hell are you two idiots?" the one on the far left spoke with irritation in his voice, his face made me chuckle.

"Listen here fuckers, we ask and you answer, you deny or lie about anything-"

"And you'll do what Huh?!" I was cut off by the one in middle followed by a "Yeah!" from the one on the right. And it pissed me off. I lung my fist with enough force to rip his lip open to the one who first spoke and continued talking while he spits blood onto the floor.

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