Chapter 1

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Your probably wondering why I'm checking all of this stuff off of my list, or your not, but the reason I am is because me and my best friends are going to California for the summer. The problem is that we are from New York, so it's going to be a long ass drive, especially with all the traffic. I'm going with my three best friends, my only friends. Alex, Beth, and, Carli. It's all I could ever wish for. I've dreamed of going to California since I was 9 and now I'm 18, so for 9 years! This is going to-

I get interrupted by a call from Carli, "Steph, are ya ready, we're outside."

"Yeah I'll be right out, who's driving?" I ask because we all know Beth and Carli couldn't driver if their lives depended on it.

She sighs and then laughs, "Alex is don't worry, now get down here we don't have all day!" I'm relieved now that I know who's driving.

I open the door and tell my mom I love her and get out of the house as fast as I can. Once I see the car I jump in and say, "Guess what time it is!" They all look at me confused and ask what time it is. "It's time to make money, slay bitches, and get famous!" We all laugh and Alex starts driving.

"Woohoo" We all say together and throw our hands in the air. This is a great summer already.


We are only ten minutes into the drive and Beth is already complaining, I hate when people complain.

"I forgot my charger!" She says in the most annoying squeaky voice I've ever heard come from her mouth. I am done.

"Beth would you please shut the fuck up! We all own the same chargers, just borrow one and stop complaining. Okay?" She wasn't even fazed by this because they all know I speak my mind.

"Someone's on their period." I give her the death glare.

Now that I think of it we are all kind of different in our own ways. I'm the brunette, I have hazel eyes, I am the fangirl, and I'm also 5'8. I guess you could say we were all tall because we were all 5'8 or 5'7. Beth has red hair, green eyes, she is the crazy one, and she is 5'7. Beth is drop dead gorgeous, she would never admit to it, but she is. Alex is the my closest friend out of all of us because she was so laid back and crazy. She has black hair and the bluest eyes I have ever seen, they kind of resemble Nash Grier's eyes! Carli is blonde, has brown eyes, and is the weirdest person you will ever meet. We all kind of balance each other out, I guess you could say.

Snapping me out of my thoughts I ask, "Where's lucky?" Alex picks up the baby German Shepard and hands him to me. "Hi boy" I say in a baby voice. That's right we brought a dog. We had all pitched in money and bought him 5 weeks ago. He was the cutest thing I had ever seen in my life. He was mostly mine because I paid the most money for him, but we kept him at Alex's house because mine didn't allow animals.

Suddenly Carli gets an idea and makes that face she does when sheets one, "Guys let's play turn off or turn on or turn off!" We give her a confused face and explains, "It's where you say a quality or something on a guy and see if the other person thinks it's a turn on or turn off, duh."

"I go first!" Of course Beth goes first, she always goes first, but that's good for if we ever do something dangerous because I am definitely not going first. "Umm, blondes?"

"Turn on for me, totally turn on" I say but the others shake their heads saying they like brunettes.

"Okay, facial hai-" I get cut of by the sound of our car turning off.

This can't be happening.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2014 ⏰

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