C H A P T E R 2

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Rosè : yoongi,told us to come asap or your injury will grew bigger and it can damage you

Taehyunh : oh! Oka-

Jimin : why cant he just call me rather than calling you
He said angrily

Rosé : stop it already jimin... I am tired of you and your attitude

Jimin : well you should get use to it

Rosé : just leave me and yoongi alone!

Jimin : yoongi.. I will not leave you.. He mummered under his breath

Taehyung : hoff! I want another assistantes!

They soon reached thier headquater

*knock knock *

Yoongi : come in

Taehyung : sir, we escaped as there were many men.. And we needed more to protect

Yoongi : good , if you have stayed longer... Something bad might have happend

Taehyung : so sir where's the doctor

Yoongi : he's waiting for you in room no. 12

Taehyung : what?!?it is beside room no. 14 right so how can you?!?!

Yoongi : i am sorry taehyung but only that room was vacant

He was quite shocked but why?

He slowly walked to room no. 12 hoping to avoid room no. 14.. He was looking here and there

All people were engaged in their work and were so busy

he was looking at them like i was like them before and is now and will be in future... My life is so busy

While he was lost in his dreams he suddenly bumped

They both were in hurry so they didn't looked and fell down

Taehyung's leg was dead right now but he didn't cared at all

He was admiring the beauty of that lady

The way she fell and her hurried expression changed into a hurted expression

The way her tied hair opened and the sent of her shampoo came and she without looking at him picked up her bag and rubber band

When she was done she finally looked up to taehyung and they had an eye contact

??? : i am very sorry! Are you hurt?! Can i treat you?!

He didt said anything and looked at her while his box smiled grew wider

And the girl's cheeks were red as tomato... She could not look into his eyes anymore so she looked down with shyness

Someone intrupted them

Namjoon : uhm! He pretended to clear his throat so that they both returned back to their senses

??? : oh sorry! The girl stood up

Taehyung was still smilling looking at that girl and waving his hands in the air to sign namjoon to help him stand up

Can you imagine a cold detective spy doing such childish things

He stood up..

Namjoon shouted

Kim taehyunggg!!!

Taehyung : ahh! What? He finally returned to his senses

Namjoon : who are you? He said while looking at the dirction of the girl

??? : uhh.. My name is..

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