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The day dragged on with some kind of awkwardness between Riel and Gikwang.

The revelation of Gikwang and Yuri's real status startled her. She knew he liked her a lot but wasn't expecting for him to move on to something that fast.

'For sure since from how Yuri reacted with so much sting in her answer, she could probably get around and have it her way with him. She might ask him to spend more time with her. Well, technically he would because she is his girlfriend.' She thought.

"Earth to Riel? Hello?" Luna waves a hand infront of her face."Hey, you've been spacing out. What's up?"

"Huh? Oh, I was just trying to remember something." Riel snapped out of her thoughts.

"You mean your thoughts about the whole Yuri and Gikwang thing?" Luna teased in which she earned a glare of Riel.

"Shut up, I'm not. It was bound to happen anyways." She brushed her friend's words off.

"Hmm, whatever Riel. We both know you didn't expect it. Me too, I was surprised." Luna said. "Are you worried your he won't be spending time with us anymore?"

"No. It will happen. He needs to flourish his relationship with her, that means less time for other things. It's fine. We'll be fine." Riel says. She ended up laughing because of the term 'flourish'.

"Me , Ki Hyuk and Yoseob will be fine. But are you tho? You and I know you and Gikwang are pretty close. Not just because you two will perform together , but you know... you two just 'click'."

Riel laughs."I'll be fine. I don't want him to chose sides anyways. It's not fair for him. And I wouldn't like it either."

"Yeah, sure." Luna chuckled. "Speaking of which, the showcase is tomorrow, are you in Gikwang pretty much good with your routine?"

"Yeah, pretty much. Practice has been cut short due to him having other stuff to attend to. But he always delivers. I know he will do great. He wanted to do this anyways."

"You've always wanted to perform right?"

She nods in response,"Always." Riel smiled fondly.

"I just don't want to be an embarrassment. I'm doing this to help him, but as time went on, I feel like I'm doing it for myself too." Riel looks down and the next thing she know there was a handkerchief in her vision. She swat it away and glared at her laughing friend.


D-day of showcase.

Riel woke up with a spring in her step. She had an early practice with Gikwang.

"You're up early... where are you going?" Her mom asked her as she eat breakfast.

"I have to meet with a friend early." She excused herself and gathered her stuff before she left.


Riel stood in the cold as she waited for Gikwang to come. She doesn't want to go inside the school premises alone as she was afraid that a ghost might appear , pretty lame as Yoseob calls her fear but for Riel, it makes her sick to the bone.

She hugged her coat further to her body and burried her face under her thick scarf. It seems that no matter how many layers she'll wear, she'll always be freezing. 

"Where is he anyways?" Her hands shook as she tries to contact Gikwang. 

"Classes start in about two hours and we have to rehearse! We wouldnt have time until lunch." She groaned. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2018 ⏰

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