Routines Interrupted

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Routines Interrupted

As much as Aidan shied away from his father's military discipline, his life required routine. In fact, he made sure that his routine had little variation. He spent his days in class, his afternoons at practice and after that he tutored with Jocelyn. Once that routine was established, he didn't deviate from it. He had even established a game day routine. He never saw Jocelyn at school on those days, not for lack of trying. But after the games he would spend some times with the boys, which meant spending time with Jessica Lydell, then he would go to see Jocelyn. Twice a week he stopped by her place to help Shawn with his homework. This also gave him more time with Jocelyn, although he rarely saw her on those days. She was always busy doing things around the house.

Aidan thought it was weird that the two were home alone so often. Thanks to Shawn's talkative nature, he found out that their father spent a lot of time traveling for his job. But both Shawn and Jocelyn seemed to be very closed-mouthed about their mother.

As Aidan sat in English before lunch, he couldn't seem to get the thought of Jocelyn's mother off his mind. He was pretty sure she wasn't dead. But he could be wrong. Maybe I should just ask her, he thought. The deep rumble of thunder filled the classroom and the sudden sound of rain pounded the roof of the building in earnest.

A few of the girls squealed and everyone looked up.

"My, my! This is some storm," Mrs. Howard declared. Even after her words, the sky voiced its anger again by growling loudly. The class began to murmur among itself about the chaotic heavenly display.

Five minutes before the bell rang the principal came on the school intercom with an announcement.

"Attention students and staff, due to the inclement weather conditions, the football game for this evening has been cancelled. I repeat, the football game has been cancelled."

Aidan smiled. For the first time he got cut a break. When the bell rang, he got up and left the building. He bet that Jocelyn would be at the library as would many of the students to escape the downpour outside. Maybe he could find out what she did on Thursdays that was so important yet secretive.

Whoever said that it never rained in Southern California was a bold-faced liar. Today seemed to be the ultimate exception to the rule. Water poured from the heavens in buckets and according to the radio announcer on the small radio behind the library checkout counter, there was severe flooding on many of the major streets. At least I know Shawn has a ride home, she thought. I'd better check with Mrs. Jones that everything is okay.

"Darla, can I use the phone. I have to see about my little brother."

"Sure. Just use the one in the back room and don't forget to dial..."

"Nine. I know. Thanks."

Jocelyn dialed Mrs. Jones who informed her that she had already picked up the boys due to flooding in front of their school.

"Will you be alright getting home?" she asked. "There is a flash flood watch in effect."

"I'm sure I'll be fine Mrs. Jones. Just tell Shawn to stay put at your place till I come pick him up."

"No problem, dear."

Jocelyn hung up the phone. She rubbed her temples methodically. How do I get to mom, then home with all the flooding? Downtown would be a mess, with the old sewer system. The buses ran regularly but they may have to detour around streets that had flooding issues. Could she even get to the hospital?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2018 ⏰

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