What's Up Danny?

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Ashley's POV
It's been about three years since I got to Egypt, Adrian and I are happily married and we are expecting our first child, things couldn't get much better for me or that's what I thought.
~in the throne room~
"Sir this thief was caught stealing from the local jewelry market" a guard said
"I DODNT STEAL IT!" The man yelled at my guard
"SILENCE" I screamed at the thief
"Search his pockets"
"Yes sir!" Two guards went and searched his pocket for any stollen goods while the first one held the squirming thief in place
"We found something your highness"
"Show it to me" I said sitting back down on my throne
One guard came up and handed me the bag of jewels, all priceless and very rare
"So you didn't steal these hm?" I asked him
He gulped knowing that it was helpless to lie to me I could see right through it,
"Yes, your highness..." he said putting his head down in defeat
"Good, you know this would have been much worse if you'd lied to me again" I said walking down to him
"I apologize your majesty" he said trembling
"Good, guards" I said standing up and backing away from him
"Yes My Pharaoh" they said
"Take this lowlife thief to the dungeons he will be hung at dawn" I said
"Yes sir!" They said and dragged him off
I sat back down as Seth came to me with a phone in his hand
"My Pharaoh, there is someone on the phone who wishes to speak to you" he said handing me the black technology
"Alright you think you can take care of the rest of this while I take this call?" I asked him
"Yes My Pharaoh. I shall do my best" he said and I walked back to the Royal bed chambers and shut the door
Incoming call:
Danny Rider
Oh it's Danny, he hasn't called in a while I wonder what changed
"Ashley it's me Danny"
"I know what's up"
"Dad got out of prison..."
"What?! I thought he had the life sentence? How is this possible"
"I don't know what's worse is the police don't know where he is, I'm calling to warn you"
"Danny shouldn't you be more worried about your safety and not mine, it's not like he knows where I am"
"I know but still be carful he could be anywh-" CRASH
"Danny? Is everything alright?"
"Danny? Danny are you there what's going on?"
".... well well well, turns out he's not so tough anymore"
"Dad?! What did you do to my brother?"
"He's fine.. for now. Listen closely. You are to do exactly as I tell you to or he will die."
I gulped knowing if I didn't he'd make good on that promise
"What do you want me to do?..."
"Come to the old house in three days with $300.000.00 or your precious brother will get the permanent sleeping schedule"
The line went dead after that I was shaking in my sandals soon Adrian came in, her stomach swelling up with our unborn child
"Ashley?" Is everything alright?" She asked coming up behind me my urge to throw the phone overwhelmed me and I chucked it at the wall it didn't shatter but instead clinked on the marble tile and skidded to a stop after recoiling with the wall
"Ashley? Honey are you ok?" She said shaking me a bit
I jolted up at the movement my eyes filled with a burning rage
"That slime ball has my brother" I said walking to the phone and picking it up I set it on the nightstand and walked to our closet which was filled with our Shendyts. I pulled back my half of clothes and pulled out a suitcase and packed all my jeans and shirts in it 'I haven't warm these in a while' I thought as I threw them into the suitcase I then grabbed a duffle bag and zipped it open. It had a quarter of a million US Counterfeited dollars in it more than enough to save my brothers life "good it's still hear" I muttered throwing clothes over the money and zipping the bags shut I then grabbed a pair of ripped pants and a shredded red shirt and went to change into them
"Ashley what are you doing!" Adrian asked clearly confused
"I opened the door and put my Shendyt in the hamper I grabbed my fold-over combat boots and put them on
"I'm going back to America for a bit" I said
"But why? Don't you like it here?" She asked sitting down next to me
"Yes I do but my brother is in danger and I cannot sit by and watch him suffer" I said grabbing my things
"But you can't just up and leave! Who will rule the country in your place while you are gone?" She screamed in terror
"Adrian, honey, im not leavening forever I'll be back in a week I think you can handle ruling in my place for a week can't you?" I asked in a hushed tone
"But what if you don't come back?" She stuttered
"I promise you I will come back, and I'll bring Danny back with me I swear to it love" I said
She hugged me tightly her tears soaking my shirt
"Be sadd ok?" She said letting me go
"I promise I will be" I said and grabbed my suitcases and walked out the door
Danny's POV
It's so dark I can't see anything.. my hands were tied above me and my feet were restrained my Lon white hair fell in my face as my head hung low
"Well don't you look precious like that son" I herd my father laugh I felt defenseless like this.. I couldn't do anything but hope Ashley doesn't come to rescue me by himself.. it'd be too dangerous.
"Screw you" I screamed at him. All he did was smile and walk over to me his steel whip in his hand. I knew this routine all too well..
"Your going to pay for that" he said and brought the whip down on my body I felt blood spray everywhere I screamed in pain.
Somebody.. anybody please help
Ashley's POV
I hoped on the first plane to America as soon as I could.
'Im coming Danny don't you worry'
As soon as the plane landed I grabbed my things and bolted to the front entrance not even bothering to go through security. The cold air hot my face like ice as I wrapped my scarf around my face
"TAXI!" I screamed and waived my hand out
A bright yellow cab came to a stop and I threw my things in and gave him a $100 bill
He gawked for a bit but nodded and asked "where too?"
"344 north West Brook Avenue the abandoned house on the left hurry" I said out of breath
"That's quite a ways" he said
"Just do it I'll pay you extra" I said handing him anther $100 bill
"Alright" He said taking the bill and pocketing it next thing I knew we were speeding down the highway towards the place where all my nightmares came from
~2 1/2 hours later~
The cab jolted to a stop in front of my old abandoned childhood home I tipped the man another 100 and for my shit and left the cab walking up to the porch carefully.
I stopped and opened my suitcase grabbing a knife and hand gun loading bullets into the ammunition compartment.
As I finished my phone beeped
I opened it up to find a picture.
If Danny. Chained to a wall. With bloody whip marks all over his body
"Oh my Ra!" I said to myself out loud
I pocketed my phone and kicked the door open carefully holding the gun in my hands. It's a good thing Danny taught me how to use one of these because it's time for retribution
I walked into the dusty old house cautiously I pulled my flashlight out and strapped it to the top of my gun and turned it on
I walked past my fathers old office which was in a disarray the door hanging off one hinge I looked in and kept moving when I reached the kitchen and the basement stairs I herd a bloodcurdling scream from down below I turned my flashlight off and got my picklock multitool out and quietly waited till I herd another door close signaling he'd left I picked the lock and threw it open revealing the old musty foundation and a single light that was on near a door. I walked into the darkness with my gun at the ready then I saw something that would haunt me to my last day on earth
"Danny.." I said and ran to the wall to see my bleeding older brother his head was down low and his shirt was shredded beyond recognization his entire body was covered in deep whip marks some were fresh his head hung low with his hair hanging in front of him I put the longer parts up in a pin and lifted his face up.. his once brilliant cerulean eyes were dull and a grayish blue with no light in them
"A-Ash get out of here... he has a whip" he said
"Not without you" I said and pick locked the chains binding his hands and feet I caught him as he fell to the ground
"It's ok Danny I'll get you out of here soon I promise" I said and started to drag him to the basement steps when I herd a door open and close I placed Danny in the shadows of he staircase and held out one of my Guns for him
"Shoot him if I can't ok?" I whispered
He nodded and put the gun in his lap
I walked in front of the light towards my brothers abuser
"Well well well it seems you thought you could outsmart me eh?" He asked
"No I just came here to get back my family" I said stone cold
"Haha oh really? Then where's my money?" He said menacingly
I threw the bag at him "there's a quarterfinal mill in there more than enough to make you happy" I said
He opened it and looked in at the counterfeit money it was inanely realistic
"Good boy now go put your brother back in his bindings and you can join him" he cackled
"Never" I spat
"Oh? Your not going to listen to your father?" He asked
"I wouldn't listen to you even if you weren't my father you asshole"
"Oh I see then I'll just kill you both to teach you a lesson" he spit dangerously
"I highly doubt that, your going to learn not to mess with the pharaoh or his brother." I spat and aimed my gun at his forehead
"Pharaoh eh? Your no Pharaoh your just a worthless stupid idiotic child who shouldn't have been born" he said and shot his gun rapidly at me I felt a sharp pain in my right shoulder as a bullet went into it. I fell to my knees
'No I won't let it end like this not when I'm so close to getting Danny to safety..' I thought
With the remaining strength I had I stood up and walked to him the gun in my right had as my other one was pressing the blood into my wounded shoulder.
I gave him a wicked smile
"Huh?" He said surprised
"SURPRISE MOTHER FUCKER!" I screamed and shot him in the forehead with my wounded arm. He fell backwards and didn't twitch once he was dead I ran to Danny and walked him up to the front door
"You- did I It Ash" he said weakly
"I told you I'll never stop to keep you safe" now let's get you home I said and walked out the front and sat him down on the payment it was freezing so I put my coat on him and I walked over to the Shed and grabbed some gasoline and pulled out my lighter from my pant pocket
"Ash what are you doing?" Danny asked as he leaned on the decaying mailbox for support
"Making sure that no one ever comes here again" I said and walked into the basement and doused the whole place in gasoline making shire my fathers corpse was plenty coated and then ran throughout the other parts of the house and did the same to it once the place was coated in gasoline I took my lighter and walked outside and lit it and tossed it into a broken window the fire erupted immediately and I walked over to Danny and we watched the old house burn to the ground
2 1/2 hours later
Once the house was burnt to the foundation and there was nothing left we walked into town and I hailed a cab with my brother on my left side I had my arm wrapped around him for support
Once we got in the can driver who took me to the house looked in the mirror and asked
"What the he'll happened in that old dump?"
"Trust me you don't want to know" I said and thrust a few $100 bills in his face
"Here take us to 1299 fourth street Anderson City Mo. and fast" I said he nodded and stepped on the gas as hard as possible
About twenty minutes later he stopped at Danny's house and I carefully lead Danny out of the cab he handed me the keys and I opened the door leading him in first and then getting my suitcase and locking and dead-bolting the door afterwards
"It's ok Danny we're home now your safe" I said as I lead him to the bathroom in his room
"Thank you Ashley.. for everything" he said as I sat him on the edge of the tub
"Anytime brother, anytime" I said and got his giant medical kit from work and started to work on his whiplash marks once a sufficient amount of his wounds were covered he started to talk more since the pain was subdued
"Ash your hurt.." I herd him say
"I'm fine it's just a bullet" I said
"Just a bullet?! Where?" I herd him scream
"Calm down its ok it's already stopped bleeding I'll be fine" I said
"No hand me my pliers" he said and sat up I handed hem to him and he took my shirt off and pulled the bullet out of my shoulder and bandaged it up
"There now your all better" he said as I packed up the medical supplies
"Danny I'll be here for a week and then I'll be heading back to Egypt. I want you to come with me" I said
"But Ash I cant.. the team needs me" he protested as I helped him into bed an aging victor lay on an old blue pillow as I did so
"Not in your current situation they don't. Your all alone here back in Egypt I have a wife and a soon to be child on the way, I want you to be apart of that, so please come to Egypt with me you can stay with us in the palace you can be a paramedic there" I plead
"Alright but on one condition" he said groggy
"What is it?" I asked
"That every winter we come back here for Christmas all of us you me your wife and your child. So we can experience winter together as a family that we never had" He said
"Alright Danny as you wish." I said as he smiled and drifted off to sleep

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