Love Shows No Bounds

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Ashley's POV
We set the tree up in the living room of Danny's house while Ella, Adrian savanna jay and Shawn helped put ornaments on the tree
It looked pretty, I haven't seen a true Christmas tree in so long it felt good to drag the heavy fucking thing all the way up the stairs
Savanna thought it was the most impressive thing she's ever seen
"What do you think kiddo?" I asked her
"It's so pretty!" She said
"Yeah it is, you know when I was about your age I moved in with Danny, and that's actually when we started truly celebrating Christmas," I said
"Really?" She asked
"Mhm, now there is one important thing we do need to do" I said and smiled at my daughter
"What's that dad?" She asked
"Presents" I said and went to a steam trunk I had brought with me
"Really?" She asked
"Yes come here kiddo" I said and opened the trunk up
"Wow" was all she said
"Come one and help me put these under the tree" I said and handed her a couple boxes
We put them under the tree and closed the trunk
"Savanna?" Jay asked her
"Yes uncle Jay?" She asked turning to her uncle
"What do you say we play some music for everyone?" He asked
"That sounds like a great idea!" She said
"Go get your flute little one" he said
She ran up to get her flute and he nodded to me to get everyone in the living room, so I did
Turns out Ella was in on it too, and had brought her harp as well.
Once everyone was in the living room which was cleared of all the furniture and it was all pushed against the walls the three started playing an unfamiliar song
(It's called The Sheenerlahi Set by Omnia if you want to go check it out)
Jay had his drum and Ella started playing while savanna played the flute, soon the pace picked up and jay hit the drum as we all started clapping to the rhythm
Soon jay and savanna started to dance around each other while playing the song while Ella played her harp near the tree. Adrian took plenty of pictures of the three and soon we all were taking pictures and dancing while they played their music.
-Christmas morning-
We all woke up around nine-Ish, well the adults did. Savanna was still sleeping in her room and Danny started cooking breakfast for us all
About an hour later I herd a door open and close than open again
"Come on little one it's time for food" I herd jay say
"No uncle Jay I'm too tired let me sleep" savanna protested
"Not in a million years would I let you sleep while food is on the table little one" he said and walked down the steps with savanna hosted over his shoulder she was in black harem pants and a moleskin loincloth thing it was Irish so I don't really get it it was over her pants whatever, and had her black hair was in dreadlocks that she had pulled in a thick ponytail and she had a gray tank top on
"Put me down uncle jay!" She said flailing her arms around him
"Alright little one," he said and dropped her on the couch next to me
"There your down" he said and chuckled
"ciallaíonn do uncail jay amhlaidh" Savanna said
"I am not that mean ceann beag!" He said and mocked being hurt in the chest
I watched and stifled a laugh
"Ass" Savanna said
"Love you too little one" he said and patted her head going to get food
"Oh come on sweetie he's not that mean" I said laughing my snake bites vibrating with the noise from my lip
"True but still I was having a nice dream" she said and scratched her dreadlocks
"Well your up now, go on and eat ok?" I said
She nodded and went into the kitchen to eat I had already ate and walked to the window and saw the pure white snow, I never thought this day would come, the day my life would be better than what I was given as a child. I knew that when my life went bad in some way or another, my family would be there to help me through it.
I was lost in thought when everyone came in and we all sat on the floor to open gifts
Today was shaping to be one of the best days in my entire life!
"Here dad" Savanna said and handed me a box
"It's for you, open it, it's from us all" she said
"O-ok" I said and unwrapped the box inside lay a leather clad book with the words 'photographs' engraved into the black leather
I opened it up and saw pictures from when I moved in with Danny, up until pictures of jay and us all in front of the pyramids in Egypt
"Guys this is amazing!" I said smiling
"We're glad you like it dad" savanna said
"Well I have a gift for you guys," I said
"What is it dad?" Savanna asked
"Go get your coats on and meet me outside" I said and ran to my coat and went outside since I was in jeans and boots all I needed was my coat
Soon everyone met me outside, jay and savanna were in animal fur and Adrian Ella and Danny were in trench coats
"What's out here?" Adrian asked
"Snow!" I said and plopped back first in the snow
I made a snow angel and jay walked up to me and grabbed my hand pulling me up
"Well what do you know it looks like an angel" he said
"That's the point!" I said
Soon a white ball of powder hit me on the side of the face and I saw Danny behind a tree with Ella and Adrian who were laughing
"Oh it's on!" I said
We divided up into groups of three and started throwing snow at each other while laughing uncontrollably when we hit one another,
After the snowball fight we made snowman and savanna and jay stood by it as Adrian took pictures of them
As the day went on it got colder and boy was I feeling it, winters in MO, were not taken lightly. And boy was that the truth
"Dad are you ok?" Savanna asked walking up to me in her sheeps fur coat she was wearing her harem pants and boots with the coat I had no clue how she wasn't cold
"I'm ok, just a bit cold is all" I said
"Oh sorry" she said and hugged me
I hugged her back and looked at her, her black dreadlocks were long and framed her face
"What I don't understand is how you aren't cold
"It's the fur dad, it's pure English sheeps skin that uncle jay had made for us it's warmer than your coats" she said and yelled for jay to go get the thing
"Alright little one he said and walked into the house
Not too long later he emerged with three sheep skin fur coats for us all
"Merry Christmas guys!" He said and handed us the coats
They were all different colors, mine was pure black while Adriana was tan, Ella's was black and white and Danny's was gray, jay's was a dark brown and had streaks of red in it and Savanna's was brown with white streaks in it
"Feel better?" She asked me
"Much, this stuff is heavy," I said
"That's what makes it warm dad!" She said and threw another snowball at me
~several hours later~
"Alright everyone smile for the camera!" Adrian said and we all smiled in front of the old oak tree in Danny's back yard, savanna and Danny were on the lowest branch, above us the rest of us were standing in front of them as Adrian clicked the timer and we all smiled as the camera flashed
We all were bone tired but had fun, I couldn't wait to return to Egypt and tell Seth about everything, I want to make Christmas a yearly thing in Egypt, and I intend to do so.
We were returning home tomorrow which was sad but at least we had a proper Christmas for the first time in forever
It was around midnight and I was on the roof in the fur coat jay had given me my hair was down and danced with the crisp air
"Ashley?" Danny asked as he climbed up to sit with me
"What's up Danny?" I asked
"Why are you up here so late?" He asked sitting next to me
"I just like looking at the stars, it reminds me of mom, you know" I said looking up at the pretty blue twinkling lights
"Yeah, it does" he said
"I miss them" I said
"Yeah me too, but they're looking at us from the heavens above with the gods Ashley" he said
"I know," I sad and watched the sky twinkle like a giant Christmas tree
This was by far the best Christmas I've ever had..

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