17. The Family Business

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Chapter 17

"You're not kidding."


"You actually expect me to believe you."


"This is insane."

"You're telling me."

"You're sure Sirius didn't put you up to this?"

"Do I look like someone who Black can put up to anything to you?"

They had been at it for what felt like ages. Evans in her disbelief, Lily Luna exasperated, Frank reading a book and sipping tea to pass the time it took for the info to sink in.

"And you're sure you haven't told me anything that I could use to meddle with the timeline?"


"Your name is not actually Luna, is it?"

"Again, do I look like I was named after the moon?"

Frank snorted.

"Okay, so maybe it's my second name. My parents were sentimental when naming their kids. I was the lucky one out of us three."

"So, just to be clear. You are from the future, but you won't say how far you've traveled from. You have fake names, that maybe are your actual second names. Your cousin pushed you into a malfunctioning Vanishing Cabinet and you ended up here. You've been trying to fix said cabinet for weeks. You haven't asked Professor Dumbledore for help, because you are stupid and stubborn—"


"—and as a secret mission, you have decided to meddle with the timeline—"

"I would call it bending the timeline a tad, not meddling with it."

"—which I must say is not only extremely dangerous, but foolish to say the least, and you won't even say who it is you want to save!"

"Now that would be spoilers." Oh, Rose would be so proud of her.

"As you asked so nicely, I am going to help you."

"I don't remember asking."

"You did. You subconscious mind screamed for help in this madness."

"I think that was Frank's you heard. You wouldn't look at me like that if you'd heard my subconscious mind say anything, less alone scream."

"Look at you like what?"

"Like I'm sane and like you hadn't just been scarred down to your spinal cord."

Evans huffed, blowing some offensive loose hair from her face.

"And besides, our plan is going on marvellously. We don't need your help with that. Everything is unraveling just the way I wanted it to be."

Frank choked a little on his tea.

"Okay, not quite the way I wanted it to, but we're getting there."

"So I'll help you fix the Cabinet so you can go back home. You will be going back, won't you, now that your other plan is going just the way you want it to?"

Frank and Lily shared a look. Lily sighed.

Frank turned to Evans. "Yeah, we'll be heading home when we get the Cabinet fixed. We've done pretty much all we thought we could do about the situation."

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