Girl Meets Sneak Attack

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Maya, Farkle, and I walk into Riley's apartment building

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Maya, Farkle, and I walk into Riley's apartment building. Maya pressed the intercom button.
We enter to see the Matthew family sitting around the table.
"Maya, Dylan, oatmeal," Topanga said setting two bowls down.
"No thanks, Mrs. Matthews," My sister said.
"Oh, I wasn't asking," She said with a glare.
"Yeow," I exclaimed walking to the table.
"Farkle, you too," Topanga said.
"Thank you. But my mother already made me eggs, home fries, wheat toast, marmalade and a strawberry shaped like a star," Farkle said sitting down.
"I'm going to the Farkle's. Who's with me?!" Auggie standing up.
"Sit down. Eat it, please," Topanga said. Auggie sat back down.
"But it's still this," he said gesturing to the oatmeal.
"Hey, Auggie, guess what? It's Googly time," Cory said.
"No TV at the table," Topanga said.
"You're right, Topanga. This table is about the discussion of today's events only. Riley,"
"I woke up. I love everything. I sat here."
"All caught up. Googly time!" Cory said as he turned on the TV.
"Here comes Mr. Googly and his foogly boogly friends," We all sang. Auggie got up and turn off the TV.
"Hey!" We all said.
"I'm too old for Mr. Googly," He said walking over to the couch.
"What?" Topanga asked following him.
"But, Auggie, Mr. Googly's your best friend," Cory said.
"Auggie, I'm your foogly boogly best friend," Topanga said imitating the the stuffed toy.
"Can I tell you a secret?" He said to Mr. Googly.
"Of course. You can tell Mr. Googly all your secrets," 'Mr. Googly' said.
"I have a new best friend now."
"Oh really? Who would that be?"
"I don't wanna tell you who she is."
"She?" We said in unison.
"I've said too much."
"Okay, why don't you tell Mr. Googly all about your new best friend and none of us will listen," Topanga said. We all look away.
"I'm this many," he said holding up five fingers,"I'm done with you now. Goodbye."
"They grow up so fast," Riley said. We finished eating and headed off to school. We got there and started to walk to Mr. Matthew's class. Farkle went somewhere else.
"I was so worried about this new school year. New school, new people, I didn't think I was going to survive. Not only am I surviving, I'm thriving. I'm like a plant going like this," Riley said doing a weird pose,"What was I so worried about?
Maya and I look into the classroom to see one of our classmates Missy, flirting with Lucas. I move back and cover Riley's eyes.
"What are you doing? Oh, this is too easy. It's Dylan. I know because I saw you put your hand over my face. I'll do you now," Riley said, trying to cover my eyes.
"Oh, that's not the game," Maya said sadly.
"What's the game?"
"The game is protect the plant from the bulldozer in the pink sweater," I said, trying to be delicate on what I'm saying.
"Oh, Dylan, bulldozers don't wear pink...," Riley said as she looks in the classroom. Her smile fell. "Huh."
"You okay?" Maya asked.
"Yeah," Riley said as she slides down the locker. Maya and I slide down next to her. One on each side.
"Oh, look what the bulldozer did to you," I said.
"There are other girls, in this world," Riley said with a frown.
"There are," Maya said.
"And other girls, like Missy Bradford, are going to talk to Lucas."
"They are," I said.
"I don't like that."
"We know." We both said.
"I wish the world was just us three."
"Then it is," I said.
"Sneak attack. December 7th, 1941," Mr. Matthew started his lesson.
"A date which will live in infamy," Farkle said.
"A date? They're going on a date? In Italy?" Riley said, still focus on Missy and Lucas
"No, honey. You're in History," I said.
"I'm history?"
"Okay, put your hand up," Maya said, reaching over my desk to lift Riley's hand.
"Yes, Riley? You have a pertinent observation on the subject of the sneak attack?" Mr. Matthews asked.
"May I be excused?" I whispered to her.
"My eyes see my shoes," She sort of repeated. Mr. Matthews looked at Maya and I with confusion. We pointed to Missy and Lucas.
"Yes, Riley, you may be excused," He said as he understand what's happening.
"Forever?" Riley hoped.
"No, you have to come back to class at some point, honey. You just have to." Riley walked out of the room. Cory continue his lesson
"It was another sunny day in paradise, before the sneak attack that changed everything. People who had viewed themselves as safe, no longer had any security at all." Riley then bursted through the back door.
"Boop? That's the best you got?" She yelled.
"Please be cool, please be cool, please be cool," My sister and I quietly said.
"You don't think that I can do boop?" Riley continued.
"How bad do you think this is gonna be?" I asked Farkle.
"I think we should have some faith in our Riley."
"I can do boop like you've never seen. Boop!" Riley turned to Lucas, but resulted into putting her finger in his nose. She froze in horror. "Does anybody see this?"
"Everybody sees this," Missy said.
"Take your finger out!" Maya said.
"Can't. Can't move. Scared. Do you think Lucas knows? Dylan, help."
"I would if I knew how. Nothing like has happened before."
"I have to agree with Dylan, I've never seen anything like this before, I don't know what's gonna happen."
"Boy, Riley. I don't think I could do that even if I tried. Hey, Dylan, boop. Oh no," Farkle said with his finger in my nose.
"The bombing of Pearl Harbor was our official entrance into a world at war, and nothing would ever be the same," Mr. Matthew finished his lesson.
"You want me to bring you lunch?" Farkle asked a locker living Riley.
"No. Food would only keep me alive," she said.
"Come on, little plant, come back into the sun."
"I'm afraid something terrible will happen if I ever come out of here," Riley said.
"Riley, that's crazy. Nothing could be worse than what's already happened," I laughed. Missy walked up to us.
"Oh, there you are. I've been looking for you. You're not upset with me, are you? Because I didn't hear that you and Lucas were together or anything," she said with a fake happy attitude.
"We're not."
"Hmm, yeah, that's what I thought. So if you're not, then it's not a problem if I ask Lucas out, because he's really cute. Don't you think?"
"I loathe you," I said to that prissy little...butthead.
"Well, Lucas doesn't. In fact, I think he's kind of into me. Shocker," She said leaving.
"I live here now," Riley finished.
At the end of day, Maya, Riley, and I walk into Riley's apartment. We sit in the bay window.
"I think of this as a personal challenge issued by Missy Bradford to grow up, and to grow up fast. So what do I do?"
"Nothing," Maya said.
"Give me advice. You guys are geniuses at this. Grow me up."
"Why?" I asked.
"Because everybody else is."
"That's not the way I see it," Maya said.
"How can you see it any other way?"
"Missy Bradford has decided to grow up fast. That has nothing to do with you," I explained.
"But what if Lucas takes her to a scary movie? "I get scared at scary movies. You'll take care of me, won't you?" Barf! Barf, I say!"
"Riley, do you want Lucas to take you to the movies?" Maya questioned.
"Alone? I don't know if I'm ready for that."
"Then what do you want from him?" I asked.
"I don't know. I just, I don't want him with her. Am I jealous?"
"You wouldn't know how to be jealous," Maya said.
"I just, I don't want him taken away from us. She's bad news. Teach me how to flirt," Riley said attempting to flirt.
"Not gonna do that," Maya told her.
"Why not?"
"We don't even know how to flirt. Who our age knows how to flirt?" As the words left my mouth, Farkle appears at the window.
"Hello, ladies."
"Farkle, you were out there?" Riley asked.
"I'm always out there."
"Well that's not creepy," I said.
"Farkle, you're the biggest flirt in seventh grade."
"Why, thank you."
"Can you teach me how to flirt with Lucas?"
"I would do whatever you asked me."
"But I thought you loved her," Maya questioned the genius.
"I love all of you. I want you happy."
"Thanks Farkle," I said.
"You love me."
"You dead."
"You can't deny the love for the Farkle."
"But I can push the Farkle out the window," I said as a pushed his head out the window.
"We should head home," Maya said as we both stood up.
"What am I supposed to do about Lucas," Riley said following us to the door.
"Do what we always do. Wait for your father to hide one of his life lesson in one of his boring history lesson," I explain.
"You think?"
"We don't know. We don't pay attention," Maya said as we walk out of the room.
Riley, Maya, and I are sitting at the lunch table.
"So you think he'll sit with us or her?" Riley asked.
"We try not to worry about things we have no control over," My sister explain.
"Really? Because that's all I do."
"Hey, can I sit with you guys?" Farkle said as he came over to our table.
"You better," Riley said.
"So you think he'll sit with us, or her? Farkle said. Lucas walked over.
"Hey, what's up? Is there a seat with you guys?"
"Always room for you, buddy," Riley said. She turned to us," I said "buddy" I'm not helping myself, am I?" Missy walked over to our table.
"Well, you know, I was just thinking that if you and I are going to the movies together, I should find out what kind of snacks you like so I could buy some for you. Because, I wouldn't want you paying for everything," She said as she links her arm with Lucas and brings him over to a different table.
"You're toast," Farkle said.
"I know," Riley said.
"Are you saying she flirts better than you?" I asked.
"Oh, nobody's better than Farkle. I just don't think my young protege is ready for that monster."
"So what are you gonna do, genius?" Maya asked.
"I think I'll just steal her from Lucas myself," He respond.
"You would do that for me?" Riley asked.
"Well, I'm certainly not doing it for me, toots. She's evil. If I'm not back in two minutes, she ate me. How's my hair?"
"Hasn't changed in six years," I said.
"She doesn't stand a chance," Farkle walked over to Missy.
"You think he can do it?" Riley asked me and my sister. Maya and I looked at each other, knowing what is about to happen. I started.
Farkle sat back down.
"It worked. I'm next."
"Riley, she's too good. You can't compete with her," Maya said.
"I don't want them together. I don't," Riley stood up and walked over to Lucas and Missy.
"Riley?" Maya and I said.
"Lucas," Riley started.
"Riley," Lucas said.
"I don't know what's going on here and I don't have any right to say this, but I don't think you should hang out alone with this girl."
"Why not?"
"I don't really know, but I think, if you actually spend time with her alone it's gonna change things for you know, all of us."
"Well, aren't you just a concerned friend?" Missy said. I was about to walk over to her, but Maya and Farkle pulled me back down.
"Yeah, I am."
"Well, with you around, how could I ever possibly get Lucas alone?" Missy threw food into her and Lucas's face. "Food fight!"
"Hey!" Lucas yelled. Mr. Matthew walked over.
"No food fight! Detention this afternoon, both of you!"
"Oh no. Both of us. Alone." Missy said. I tried standing up again, but Maya and Farkle pulled me down again.
Maya and I are waiting outside of Mr. Matthew's classroom, waiting for Riley to give us a signal.
"You know, this can all be over if I just you leave be in a room alone with her and bat," I said.
"Dylan, you know I can let you do that. We don't have enough for bail," Maya respond.
"We can get Mrs. Matthew to be my lawyer for free. We'll save a ton."
"That's true, but you might have to do some community service. You'll have to wear orange jumpsuits instead of black clothes."
"But I love my black clothes."
"Sorry, button. That's the price to pay for murder."
"Fine, we'll put that as plan B"
"I could introduce you to my special guest star," We heard Riley say in the classroom.
"Uh-oh," Mr. Matthew said. I jumped on his back.
"Nothing personal, bub," I said as he falls to the ground. Riley moved his lips so he spoke gibberish. Maya ruffle his hair.
"Yeah, that'll do it," He said. I got off his back. "Nice job."
"Pleasure doing business with you," Maya and I said, shaking his hand.
I walk into detention and see place cards on our desk. Lucas and Missy walked into the classroom.
"How you doin'?" Riley said.
"What are you doing here?" Missy asked.
"Oh, I'm a bad girl."
"Yeah, you don't wanna mess with this one," I said pointing to Riley.
"What are these, placecards?" Missy asked picking up my placecard.
"Yup, I made them. You sit over there." Pointing to the back corner of the room.
"I think this seat has my name on it, actually," Missy said, taking a seat behind Maya and next to Lucas.
"Alright, guys.I like my detention to have a little learning in it," Mr. Matthew started his lesson. "So I'd like to continue talking about Pearl Harbor and what happened after the sneak attack. The world was at war and alliances were forged in battle and were made stronger because of that."
"What is this place?" Farkle said walking into the classroom.
"It's detention, Farkle," Mr. Matthew explain, "It's not for you.'
"If my friends are in it, then it's for me," He said sitting down.
"During this war the United States was put to one of its greatest tests when it met a threat to our way of life. But because we were united - we prevailed."
"Hey, Riley? Missy invited me to see a movie with her," Lucas said.
"I think she's aware of that, Lucas. No need to make her feel worse," Missy said.
"And I was wondering if maybe you guys would like to come along with us?" Lucas asked.
"You want us?" Riley asked.
"Uh uh, I'm sorry, Lucas. That wasn't the invitation," Missy said.
"Oh! Well then, I'm sorry, Missy, but I can't go," Lucas said
"What are you talking about? Nobody's ever turned me down in my life," Missy whined.
"Well, see, these are my friends.And I don't like doing anything without my friends.
Right, Riley?" Lucas said.
"Now I certainly appreciate your wanting me to care of you during a scary movie, and you showing me your leg and all, but back here in the seventh grade, I think maybe we'd have more fun just hanging out together."
"Boop," Maya and I said. Missy stood up to walk out of the classroom. She turned around.
"Grow up."
"Not...Yet." Riley said as she looked at us.
"Oh, she's leaving? Okay," Mr. Matthew said.
"Hey," Riley said.
"Hey," Lucas said.
"You know what the easiest thing about having friends is?"
"Sometimes all you have to do is trust them."
"When peace time came, the United States enjoyed its greatest period of growth, prosperity and happiness. Detention over," Mr. Matthew finished his lesson. He starts to leave the room when he notice we weren't getting up.
"You guys coming?"
"No, we're good right here," Riley said.
After staying in detention for a little bit, we all left. Lucas and Farkle went home. Riley, Maya, and I were about to leave when I remember something in my locker.
"Hey guys, I'll catch up. I forgot something in my locker."
"Okay hurry up," Maya said. I walk back to my locker and see Missy standing by it.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Look, you're going to help me," She stated.
"Why? I don't like you."
"And I don't like you, but here's the thing you have to help me or otherwise this will get out," she said handing me a folder. I took it from her and opened it. I gasped.
"How did you get this?"
"I know a guy. So you do what I say or else this gets out," She said, ripping the folder from my hand.
"You can't do this."
"It looks like I am. I'll give you until tomorrow to make your decision," she said walking away. I grabbed her wrist and pushed her up against the locker.
"You little-"
"What's going on here?" I turned and saw Mr. Matthew standing there. I let go of Missy.
"Nothing Mr. Matthew. It just Dylan was showing me this cool self-defensive move," Missy lied. Mr. Matthew looked at me.
"Is this true, Ms. Hart?"
"Yep," I lied. I couldn't tell him the truth or else my secret will come out.
"Ms. Hart, Ms. Bradford, please go home," he said. After he left, Missy turn to me.
"You got 24 hours." And with that she left. I walked back to Riley and Maya.
"Hey! What took you so long?" Riley asked.
"I couldn't find the thing I was looking for."
"Want us to help," Maya asked.
"No! It's fine."
"Okay let's get going," Riley said as we left the school.

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