Chapter 10

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Your Pov
The past few classes were so boring so I would eventually nod off, but this time I was about fall asleep I feel someone kick my chair. I immediately jump up scared to death. I look around and thanking god that no one notice me jump. I turn around to of course meet the eyes of the attacker, Katsuki.
"What the hell was that for?" I say whispering as best as I could.
"Your dumbass was falling asleep so I woke you up."
"By scaring the shit out of me?" I say in a sassy tone.
"Ha? Who do you think your giving an attitude to you little shit!?"
I sigh and just turn back around
"Oi! So your going to ignore me now!?"
"Hmm? I must be hearing things" I say sarcastically
He abruptly gets up and everyone looked at him wondering what's going on. Before he could say anything the teacher told him to sit down or he will have to stay after school. He just simply tch'ed and sat back down. He surprisingly stayed quiet for the rest of the class but that didn't stop him from staring at you for the whole class until finally, the bell rang for lunch.
"Finally! I'm so hungry!" Uraraka says dramatically.
"Yes me as well, let's go class!" Iida says properly and with that we went.
As I was getting my lunch I remembered that Izuku promised me he would buy me (f/f)! I strided happily thinking about eating it. I look and finally seen Izuku with Uraraka and Iida, so I walked over to them. As I was about to call Izuku's name I feel myself being tugged in the opposite direction. When I glanced to see who is pulling me the other direction even though I had a big feeling who it was I still wanted to make sure until I seen his ash blonde hair. I just gave up and let him tugg me to wherever he was bringing me. It was until a few moments later until I felt him turn me around and made me sit at a table. When I was completely turned around I see Kirishima seating in front of me while Denki and Sero sat on each side of him and Mina seating on my left and Katsuki sitting on my right. Kirshima smiles
"Hey, (y/n)! I didn't expect you to sit with us today but I'm guessing you didn't have a choice" he says while looking at Katsuki.
"Yeah knowing Katsuki he probably dragged you here without you even knowing" Denki snorted
"Shut up dumb hair and dunce face I can bring anyone over here if I want to without anyone's permission!" Katsuki growls
"But Katsuki I-"
"Plus, you don't need to sit with that shit nerd anymore you can just ait with me from now on" he whispers for only you can hear. It took you and him by surprise by what he said. You just simply blushed madly and just looked down to cover it from anyone from seeing. Why am I feeling like this? I need to stop this feeling that might just hurt me more than before.
"You okay (y/n)?"Mina asked snapping you back to reality.
"Oh I'm fine just zoned out a bit!"  I say scratching the back of my head childishly while everyone in the table was thinking *she's so adorable*. I look up and notice everyone staring at me I just simply say "what?" They all just reply "nothing!". We continued to chat and eat while Katsuki would stay quite until Denki and Sero tried to make fun of him and he said he would kill them they stayed silent after that scared for their lives while we laughed at their reactions. The bell for lunch to be over finally ranged and we all headed to class. While walking I heard my named being called so I look and to see it was Izuku.
"Hey (y/n), I didn't see at the table is everything okay?" He asked out of concern
"Oh no I'm okay don't worry and sorry I was going to sit with you guys but-" before I could finish my sentence Katsuki comes and says
"She's sitting with me now shitty nerd gotta problem with that?" He snarls.
Izuku just says simply shaking his hands in his face saying "Oh n-no o-of course not she can sit with whoever she wants! Well I'll see you in class
(y/n)!" He says walking as fast as he can.
I simply sigh.
"Really? That wasn't nice Katsuki"
"Tch whatever I don't care he needs to know his place"
"We aren't in elementary school any more for me to tell you to stop bullying him each time and one day you need to learn you place, not everything you say will be how you want it and one day you might lose everyone close to you for that pride of yours" I say simply just walking away while he was there completely dumbfounded and confused on what I ment and all honesty I didn't expect myself to say that either.
*Time Skips*
It was time to leave and head home. As I was packing my stuff I notice Katsuki's stuff was gone. He's probably mad at me now after what I said thinking to myself.
"(Y/n)?" Izuku says waving his hand in front of me snapping out of it.
"Oh I'm sorry what's up?"
"I was wondering if you wanna walk with me Uraraka and Iida today since he left early?"
"Huh what do you mean as in he?"
"Kacchan you guys walk after school now right?"
"Oh, I guess so" I doubt he wants to anymore now though I say to myself.
"Yeah so you wanna walk with us?"
"I'd love too!" I say happily
"Okay let's go!"
As we head out of the school we all talked but I was keep thinking if Katsuki was really mad at me. When we reached the gate I noticed a familiar ash blonde hair boy leaning against it. Katsuki? I thought he left what's he here for? When he felt put presence he looks as if he was looking for someone until he stopped at Me. He just says slightly annoyed
"Lets go, you take so long I was going to leave you"
He was waiting for me? I look at the others and they simply nodded as if they knew what was up. I just now and walk to him and we started walking together.
The walk was just an awkward silence. I just would simply glance at him, I try to speak up but I just didn't know what to say until he spoke up first.
"No I'm not mad at you and no I don't care it didn't bother me"
"A-are you sure?"
"Yes and don't stutter you sound like that nerd" he mumbles
I just smile and nod
For some reason my mind was at ease as if what was bothering me has completely lifted off my shoulders. The before awkward silence walk home turned to a completely peaceful one.

Hey guys I'm so sorry for this slow update! Alot of things have been going on to the point I haven't been able to update. And I'm also wondering for future updates if I should add the actual manga chapters in here to make more better? And OMG TYSM FOR 7K READS WOWIE I CRI OF HAPPINESS! I LOVE reading you guy's comments it makes me happy to know you guys are intrigued with the book and talking about it 🤧❤ also if you guys have any suggestions if I should make new book about a different character or anime or about this book feel free to message me or comment anytime! Welp see you guys again hopefully soon bye my children Liyah out!

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