If i wasnt hungover i would have walked home it was only 2 blocks from my place. I got home and looked to see if shanes number was in my phone. It was. I wasnt planning to go home with anyone last night. I hope shane just insnt a freak. I walked into my room and plugged my phone into the charger. I had a few missed calls from friends i had gone to the club with that night. Im gonna try to see if they remember what exactly happend last night.
Shanes p.o.v
Sratching my head i got up stubbling out to the kitchen, I got out a pan and turned on a burner. I got out a dozen of eggs and took out 2. I laid them on the counter and put the carton back into my almost empty fridge. Cracking the eggs into the pan i thought to myself "shane your such a fuck up" "you cant love anyone" i grabbed the pan by the handel and flung it towards the wall. I turned the oven off and went back into the bedroom full of anger.
(Maggie's veiw)
Just as i though i had drank to much last night and went home with shane. I mean. Shane wasnt bad, she just had a really bad rep. I felt so bad for leaving her this morning. "Fuck it" i said slamming the door to my apartment i was going to shanes and make things right. I didnt even text her i just grabbed my phone off the charger and left, it would take no time at all to get there. I ran 3/4th of the way and walked the rest. When i got to her room door it was slightly open. I opened it the rest of the way and took 2 steps in. "Shane?" I yelled as i stepped into the door. I stood there. I could hear crying from the bedroom I had left this morning.

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