Back to School

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Waking up in Deku's arms, all Todoroki could think was, "Oh fuck."

"Izuku Midoriya wake your ass up we gotta go to school!"

The green haired boy slowly opened his eyes and mumbled,

"Oh shit."

Dashing out of Deku's room Todoroki began panicked as he didn't have his uniform.

"I guess I have no choice but to ask Yaoyorozu for her to make an uniform for me..."
Oh well...

Heading to school in a quick rush Todoroki hid behind a bush, in hopes of finding her.

"Uh, Todoroki? What are you doing?"

Hearing a voice behind him he yelped and he noticed that it was her. Yaoyorozu. The lead alpha female.

"Y-yaoyorozu... Can you please make a uniform...? I couldn't find mine due to some issues..."

"Of course!"

Sticking her arm out she created a perfect fitting uniform for Todoroki.

"Thank you, Yaoyorozu."

She left Todoroki fleeing into the school to the boy's change room. Unbeknownst to her that someone was already inside there at this early time of day.

"Heya, Shouto~"

Frozen at hearing the voice from behind him while he stood there, bare naked besides his boxers.

"Katsuki? Bakugou Katsuki?"

"Yeah, that's me my little sweetie. I figured that you'd come here anyhow because you left your uniform and stuff."


Slowly approaching the shaken omega, Bakugou wrapped his protective arms around him.

"It's ok Shouto, no one's gonna figure out that you're an omega... It'll be fine..."

"T-thank you," was all Todoroki could say.

In class

Todoroki carefully made it to his desk, and sat down quietly.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught Midoriya whispering something to Iida. Is he telling him about me...?! Could he...? I mean I can trust Iida but Uraraka is coming closer to them... Why does she have to be so nosy!!

Midoriya's POV

"Ok, Iida, I think I should tell you this but swear on your life that you'll keep this a secret..."

Staring intently at Midoriya he nodded his head. This is a good idea... Right?

"Ok. The thing with Todoroki... He's an.... Omega."

But before Iida had anytime to react Uraraka butted into their conversation.

"Hey what are you guys talking about? Something juicy..?"

This bitch.

"Haha! It's just some guy stuff!" Midoriya mustered between clenched teeth.

"Awww~~~ come~~~on~ tell me! Tell me Deku!!"

Fuck no. Kindly go back to your own business.

"Haha, I can't do that~"

Uraraka just continued to lean on his desk which further annoyed Deku.

"Come on! You can't keep secrets from me, can you? Just. Tell me."

"Uraraka, you have no right to know. Please mind your own business? And please stop calling me Deku? Because that ain't for you."


Opening her eyes at Deku's carefully selected harsh words she just went away. Sighing outloud, he went back to his conversation with Iida.

"So... He's an omega..? I would've never guessed that. Let me talk with him..."


Todoroki's POV

Startled at the loud voice screaming his name he looked up to face a pair of glasses.

"Your secret is safe with me. I swear on my life." Iida said solemnly.

"O-ok... Thank you, Iida."

Having so many changes in his mood, Todoroki began feeling funny.
It's probably nothing... Right. I can't be in heat anymore, or pregnant either because of the shitty pills my old man gave me... So what is it...? What even is a heat cycle...? 

"Attention, class. Today we'll be learning about the different class structures in our society. We welcome all the alphas and betas. But the class thats most discriminated is the omegas. Here in UA, all classes are equally important and special. Now, who are the alphas in the room?"

Raising his hand shamefully along with others such as Yaoyorozu, Bakugou, Midoriya, Iida and such, Todoroki couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt.

Zoning out of the lesson, he perked up upon hearing Aizawa mention the omegas. At last, I can finally learn something about myself...

"-and in for the omegas, the adolescent ones may have irregular heat cycles so they have to be more aware. Commonly, most omegas are woman. But there is an extremely rare case of a male. I can't stress how rare and special they are. Like women, they can also give birth to stronger children with a shorter pregnancy time..."

Irregular heat cycle...?! Could that be what's happening to me...?.... I feel so horny..... It's definitely happening...


"Todoroki?" Aizawa asked with concern.

Bakugou, Iida and Midoriya made eye contact with each other and nodded.

"Midoriya! I told you not to give him that to eat! It would give him a stomach ache!"

"I'm so sorry Iida! I should've listened to you!"

"Let's take him to the nurse!" Yelled Bakugou.

Bakugou grabbed Todoroki and carried him bridal style.

Sweetly whispering into his ear, "There's two ways we can solve this. You can suffer from your horny, wanting desire~ since the pills don't work or... You can have my huge dick in your tight ass... Your choice, sweetie..."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2018 ⏰

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