pool party

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It was Saturday. The Game fest was yesterday and it was sooooo much fun!!! Today, was like, reaaaaaallllly hot. And my Nick friends were hot too. So, I took them to where my bffs mom owns. Here

I only know what us girls are wearing

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I only know what us girls are wearing



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Hailey and Heather

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Hailey and Heather

Hailey and Heather

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We all got there and saw da boys (Frankie, Benji, Thomas, Rico, and Lance

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We all got there and saw da boys (Frankie, Benji, Thomas, Rico, and Lance.) "Hey guys! Welcome to my friend Känaíí's mom's pool! (I actually had a friend Känaíí who died in Japan. 😭 RIP Känaíí.) It is actually reaaaaally fun!" I said. "Wait, her mom owns this place?!?!" Thomas asked. I nodded. "Cool, right?" They all nodded. Just then, Känaíí walked up to us. "Kon'nichiwa Cardi! Karera wa darena no?" (Who are they) "Watashi no yūjin." (My friends.) "What are they saying?" I heard someone ask behind me. "Karera ga rikai shite kudasai?" (Do they understand?) "Īe." (No) "oh. Yōkoso." She said. "She means welcome."I said. "Hai. Hai. Yōkoso."(yes. Yes. Welcome.) She said. "Īe Känaíí. Welcome." I said. "Wellcomb." she said. "Jūban chikai." (Close enough.) "So, she only speaks Japanese?" Benji asked. "Hai. Watashi wa nihongo shika hanasemasen." (yes. I only speak Japanese.) "I can translate for you guys if you people don't understand." I said. "O arigatō." (Ok, thank u) "Īe mondai." (No problem) "lets swim." Cree said

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