Chapter Six - Late

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Chaeyoung felt someone watching her outside the mart. She glanced around for a minute yet no one was there, but she knew to trust her intuition.

But it was too late.

A masked man grabbed her hand into the dark alley way, covering her mouth with his hand. Her muffled screams could not be heard.

"Let's have some fun."


"Aigoo, my cub's getting so big and pretty now!" Chaeyoung's grandmother grinned, pinching her cheeks.

Chaeyoung smiled proudly, feeling happy about the compliment. Her grandmother retracted her hand from her face and slowly held the cub's arm.

"But... that's what makes me afraid the most." She said with a sigh.

"What do you mean by that, halmoni?" Chaeyoung tilted her head.

"It means more guys will try to go after you." Her grandmother rested her head on her palm.

"That doesn't sound like too big of a problem." Chaeyoung flaunted with a cocky smirk.

"It's not a problem until they start putting their hands on you." Her grandmother remarked, making Chaeyoung's cocky smirk retract back to a worried look.

"Now listen here, cub... If ever you find yourself in a dicey situation..."

"...grit your teeth..."

Chaeyoung bit down on the captors hand, making him groan in pain. It loosened his arm grip around the cub, but not enough to escape his hold. He punched her side a couple of times, making Chaeyoung whimper.

But gritting her teeth apparently helped deal with the pain.

"...use your head..."

The cub roared, using the back of her head to to hit the man directly in the nose. She could feel his nose flatten from the collision.

He'll probably look like Voldemort for the rest of his life.

Despite all that and the continuous cries of pain by the man, he still wouldn't loosen his grip enough to let Chaeyoung free. In fact, he moved in for a choke hold to subdue her, suffocating the cub.

"...kick his balls..."

"...wait, no! Go for the shin..."

Chaeyoung raised her heel and continuously drove it into the captors shin, making him release his hold on her with a loud scream. Adding fuel to the fire, she turned and kicked his other shin in, making him collapse on his knees in agony.

"...and then kick his balls! Hell yeah!"

Chaeyoung took a step back like she was the star striker for a soccer team and with a running start, she dragged her right foot straight up the man's groin.


His scream was very high pitched, before it subsided and finally, the man passed out on the floor in the alleyway.

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