Chapter 1: Serenity

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A/N: before I begin writing this I have three things to say. First of all: trigger warning: abuse, swear words. Second of all, above is the song that inspired this story. Thirdly: I promise there will be gayness eventually. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy.

"And then I said to this poor ugly woman...." I barely heard my mom, the Queen, ramble on about her experiences that day while she had been out shopping. I ignored my father, who was eating like glutton. I blocked out my eldest brother, who had a sex toy sitting on his lap, stroking his hair while he ate. I tuned out my elder sister droning on about fashion. I didn't look over at my younger brother who already wore a sword at his hip, he couldn't wait to be of service to his corrupted country. I instead rested my hand on the thigh of my younger sister, comforting her. She was the only child in the King family that wasn't corrupted, other than myself. I had devoted my life to protecting her. I had blocked many hits, and giving away my body, so that her innocence and pureness may continue. Her name was Hope, and she was the one ray of light in my dark world. My parents gave us all names that meant something. I was Serenity, my younger sister was Hope, and I honestly have tried to forget the rest of their names. So let's go with this, my younger brother is Cub, a little lion who lacks brain but has bravery. My older sister is Heartbreaker, a girl so broken she must break others to survive. And my oldest brother? Let's not talk about him. So that's family dinner, every night. It's the one time in the day where we all get together. Otherwise, we all are doing our own thing. The Queen was the one who insisted on this, and the King agreed. We pretend to be a family, even though we're just all broken people doing what they can to survive. That doesn't excuse the things they do, though. Nothing will ever excuse what they do.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed! I will attempt (again) to post weekly, we'll see how that goes. I'm now going to sleep because it's almost midnight and I have stuff to do tomorrow. Night!

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