Chapter Nine, Meeting Edward.

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I looked out of the window for what must have been the hundreth time and sighed, it looked like a huge storm was rolling in, I mean I don't mind a little rain but do vampires? Ha vampires, that still sounds weird, I turned away from the window to find Embry and Jake staring at me while Seth, Jared and Quil remained engrossed in the film.


"I don't like it" Embry replied.

"You don't like what?" I asked raising my eyebrows at him.

"You going to play baseball with the Cullens"

"Me neither" Jake added scowling.

I rolled my eyes at them both "Why not?".

"Well there's three guys and they might try something......." Embry trailed off.

"Your jealous?" I laughed walking over to him, I leant over him and pressed my lips to his "There's nothing to be jealous about" He pulled me on to his lap and the shouts started up, none of them looked away from the TV screen.

"It's my house, I can do what I like" I grinned looking around at them all, but when I caught Jake looking over at me and Embry he had his jaw clenched and hands in fists.


He seemed to snap out of it "Yeah?"

"You ok?" 

"Yeah I'm good, still not happy about you going though"

I sighed "Why not?"

"Well it's like Embry said three guys.......and your like my little sister....."

"Well there's nothing to worry about, Bella told me about them all, Alice and Jasper are together and so are Rosalie and Emmet and the Bella's with Jake".

"SHE'S WHAT?!" Jake bellowed just as there was the pip of a car horn outside.

"Sorry gotta go!" I quickly kissed Embry grabbed my bag and ran for the door "See you guys later".

I ran over to the car waving to Bella and Edward and jumped in the back seat.

"Hey guys" I grinned "Nice car".

"Thank you" Edward replied glancing at me in the rear view mirror.

"I thought you might have cancelled because of the weather" I said as we set off.

"We only play when there's a storm" Edward replied.

"Why?" Bella asked.

"You'll see" 

"Some sort of vampire thing?" I asked with a grin.

Bella turned around looking shocked but Edward chuckled.

"Something like that"

"Well anyway Edward, it's nice to finally meet you, Bella hasn't shut up about you" I added grinning in Bella's direction.

She groaned "If I'd known you were going to embarass me I wouldn't have let you come"

I laughed and Edward said looking at me through the rear view mirror "You actually mean that".

"Mean what?" I asked bewildered.

"That it's nice to meet me".

"Well yeah" I laughed.

"Even though you know I'm a vampire".

"Well I'm still a little sceptical" I shrugged.

He chuckled again and the car went quite, I leaned back in the seat and started singing a song in my head after a couple of minutes I realised Edward was humming the same song"

"That's so weird I was just singing that in my head"

"I know"

"What do you mean you know?" I laughed.

"Edward can hear peoples thoughts" Bella answered.

"What? Like read minds?" I asked sitting up again "Ok what am I thinking now?".

Edward laughed and said "That you wished that you had eaten because you could eat a family sized four cheese pizza to yourself"

"I'm ashamed to say that's true" I laughed.

"I like this one Bella he's a keeper" I grinned at her as Edward chuckled again

Ok I know it's really short and it probably sucks but I haven't written anything for aaaaages and I'm getting back in to the swing of it, so please let me know what you thought and please vote.

Thanks guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2014 ⏰

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