Chapter 1 Three Months Later

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"Lex! Lex! Wake up" Embry shouted

I groaned in to my pillow "No go away"

I heard laughter, then I felt myself sliding sideways I scrambled for my quilt then fell to the floor with a dull thud, I glared up at my three best friends, Quil and Jake were holding my mattress up and Embry was doubled up with laughter.

"Morning" They grinned at me.

Why did I ever give those guys keys?

I muttered insults under my breath as I stood up, they were just greeted by more snickers, I dropped the quilt to the floor and stretched, I opened my eyes to all three boys staring opened mouthed at me as I stood there in my shorts and tank top that made up my pjs.

I rolled my eyes at them "Come on out you go while I get dressed" I said while ushering them towards the door.

"Awww can't we stay and watch" Embry begged giving me the puppy dog eyes.

"Hmmmmm" I stood there pretending to ponder it "No" I said with a smile and closed the door. I had a quick shower, dried my hair and dressed in Grey skinnys, black tank top and black converse. I walked down the hall and found the boys in my kitchen raiding the fridge and cupboards, I grabbed a apple and sat on the kitchen counter waiting for them to finish stuffing their faces.

"So, what we doing today?" Quil asked looking around at us.

"We could go to the beach" I suggested.

"We always go to the beach" Quil sighed.

"Anyway, I cant go too far, I've got to drop off the truck at Charlie's tonight, his daughters coming home" Jake reminded us.

"Is that today? I haven't seen Bella in years, do you think she'll remember me?" I asked.

"How could anyone forget you?" Embry asked fluttering his eyelashes at me.

I threw what was left of my apple at him and it hit him in the side of the head, he stared at me for a second then jumped up with a cry of "I'm gonna get you for that!", I slid off the the counter and set off running round the other side of the kitchen table with Embry close in pursuit, I ran down the corridor to try and get into the living room and close the door, but suddenly i felt arms around my waste and was rugby tackled to the sofa, I could her Jake and Quil laughing as Embry started to tickle me, I started laughing, while trying to get away i slid off the sofa onto the floor, Embry knelt on the sofa above me as though he was about to pounce and said with a smirk on his face "Are you sorry?"

I debated whether to say no but decided I'd rather keep a bit of dignity and not pee myself laughing, "Sorry" i said reluctantly.

For the rest of the day we just lounged around the house watching movies and stuffing our faces ( I was going to have to go food shopping......again).

                                                       I hope you liked it guys, the next chapter

                                                      will be about the night when they take the truck.

                                                           Let me know what you think :)

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