Loyalty Troubles

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Two days later, Vision returned to the compound form England with his head held high. He had never felt so content with his existence until this point. He was certainly glad that he had gone and seen Wanda. He was already trying to think of the next time he could back and be with her. Maybe in a couple weeks, or a month, he thought to himself. Little did he know, he was going to be seeing her sooner than he thought.

As he walked through the public lobby, he noticed a couple of smartly dressed men standing at the bottom and top of the main stairway leading to the living quarters and conference rooms. As Vision approach the stairs, one of the men stepped toward him, "Vision, would you mind following us for a moment." At first Vision was happy to, thinking it was for some type of update to the building or something. However, as he walked up the stairs, he noticed one man with a pair of dark sunglasses speaking into the extension of his earpiece. He soon realized that they were bringing him up to talk about something more serious. Had something happened while he was away? Had a dangerous criminal caused harm to people?

He followed the man into the conference room, followed by the two men that had been waiting at the top of the stairs. As Vision walked in, he looked toward the front of the room, expecting to find someone standing next to a holographic screen with some object or person of interest displayed upon it. He found no one, and suddenly a deep commanding voice came up behind him. "Did you enjoy your time off," the voice said, and Vision turned around to see an older gentleman sporting a formal suit and tie. This man before Vision's eyes was the lead supervising consultant on the Sokovia Accords and U.S. Secretary of State, Thaddeus Ross.

"Why yes," he replied with a bit of a disinterested smile, "thank you again for allowing me to take some time off."

"Well," he scorned as he walked toward a digital keyboard, "the U.N. an I are quite glad that we did, because your travels have lead us to someone we've been trying to find for a while." Vision's robotic muscles started to tense-up, and he started to realize what he was talking about. Ross pressed down on one of the keys, and a personal profile with a headshot attached appeared on the screen. As Vision turned to face the profile, he felt the happiness in the world disappear into nothingness. There, upon the screen, was the person that he hoped it wasn't, Wanda.

"We found Ms. Maximoff a couple days after you arrived in Southampton," Ross lectured as the green and purple android stood motionless. "We need to apprehend her quickly before she goes on the run again."

Vision was still, recollecting his few, but wonderful memories with Wanda from a couple days ago. He thought about how much he cared for her, and how much she had to sacrifice to get to where she was. He didn't want anyone to take away what she had worked so hard for, but he was conflicted with his commitments. "How exactly are you planning to apprehend her, he questioned.

"British Enforcement laws prevent any foreign interference," Ross explained, "so we plan to cooperate with MI:6 to corner her. The problem is once she knows we're there, she will most likely use her abilities to avoid capture. So, we were hoping that you would join us to level the playing field."

Vision was full of guilt, things were certainly not going his, or Wanda's, way. He even dreaded the how their next conversation would go. 'Hey, I had a great time with you last time, but do you think I could bring Secretary Ross to chaperone us. Oh, and when were done, he's going to take you home.' Not a very happy reunion in Vision's mind.

"I don't know if I can do that," he sadly spoke.

"Excuse me."

I met with her... while I was there, he announced, and Ross started walking his way over to him. He stared deeply in to the metallic irises of his eyes, trying to understand what he was talking about. "I had gotten a mysterious message about a week ago asking to meet in Southampton. I didn't realize it was her until I saw her."

"Vision, she is a highly powerful fugitive," Ross sternly said.

"She didn't seem in the mood to cause any harm when I saw her," Vision argued, "why is it that you are framing her as this monster that needs to be put away." His vice was starting to sound defensive. As if all he knew was being challenged, and he had to show the world that his thoughts were true.

"As one of the original persons-of-interest of the Accords," the opposing secretary fired back, "she has violated several clauses by involving herself in what is considered 'criminal activity'."

Vision was in a tug-of-war with himself, struggling to choose which path to follow. He knew he could not ignore his duties as an Avenger and agent, more-like pawn, for the Accords. However, he had this great feeling of loyalty to Wanda, especially after being trusted to keep her whereabouts secret. He raced through his mind, trying to think of the best way possible to keep his hero life steady, while also having the ability to see Wanda.

"What would happen if she were to be apprehended?

"She would be held in a high-security containment unit, but we will have negotiations for an early release if she has and gives any knowledge of where Captain Rogers is" explained Ross.

"And that's all"

"Well basically, yes"

Vision wasn't sure about the plan, it could go bad for several reasons. The best reason being that Wanda would probably not comply with their demands. But he longed to be with her, and in his conflicted thought process, he considered maybe this could work. If he was to assist Ross, then maybe she would come more peacefully. And maybe while she was detained, he could spend more time with her without it being too complicated.

"I speak with Wanda first, and if I believe I cannot ease her to come along, you may engage. Just don't harm her, please. She is a very good... friend" he pondered, considering the type of relationship they had.

Ross huffed, "We'll see, we leave for England tonight." Those were his last words before he marched out of the room with a stern look in his face.

As soon as Ross had left the building, Vision contemplated what his next steps would be. I can't believe this is happening. Should I warn her? What should happen if Ross finds out? Why must things in this world be so complicated? Should I tell her that I'm sorry and that I lov...?

"Oh my," he muttered to himself, "what have I gotten myself into?"


A/N-  Hello, thank you for being so patient with me. I know I'm a couple of days behind schedule, but here is Chapter 6.

I'm now starting to follow the basic story line I had originally written a year ago. Vision having use his commitments in order to be with Wanda. So, it's going to be easier to write the extra details and complex conversations. And if you guys are in the mood for some action, expect some in the next chapters. Things are about to go down!

Thank you for reading. Please leave a comment if you have any thing to say, and vote if you liked it.

Another two weeks til the next update, until next time, BYE!!

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