Time To Choose...

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Oh no... What do I do...? He chuckled and looked away. "A Tsunsere, I see...?" He asked playfully. Tom walked downstairs. Thank God! The alcoholic saves the day again! You thought happily. He took a sip from his flask and when he saw your face crimson red and Tord smiling, he spit it out. "TORD!!! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" He ran to you. "More so, what did he do to you? I'm more likely to get the truth from YOU." He glared at Tord. "Well... Um... He... He..." You fumbled for the words that would tell him gently. Tord broke in. "I kissed her. Why do you ask? Do you have a problem with that?" He asked threateningly. Tom glared daggers at Tord now. "Yes I do have a problem with that! You are a communist. She is an innocent lady. You two would create disaster!" Tord's lips curved into a smirk. "Or does someone have a crush...?" He glanced from Tom to me and back. He did this twice. Tom's 'eyes' became a little softer. "NO!" He still replied angrily... Didn't think he could hold THAT one in... You thought, surprised. Tord just walked over to you and ripped You from Tom like you were a doll. He pulled You into another kiss. "Alright. So, Tom. Do you like her?" Tom flinched. "No." Edd and Matt rushed downstairs just in time to see Tord kiss you. They made the lenny faces.... "A new OTP!!!" Edd whispered. Matt snapped a photo. When Tom brushed past them, Edd patted his shoulder and Matt patted his hair. "Its okay Tom..." Edd reassured. "Don't worry, Tom! You'll find a special someone!" Matt encouraged. Tom just sighed and shut his door and locked it. You pushed Tord away and banged on Tom's door. When he didnt open it you kicked it down. "Oh great Y/N. Another thing I have to replace that you've broken..." He muttered. "If you're talking about your heart you can't replace that, and I didn't do anything. I couldnt help anything!" You defended. He looked at you with black tears in his 'eyes'. "It's okay Y/N. I can understand if you don't wanna be with a freak like me..." He pulled out Susan. "Just one song I have been dying to sing to you..." You missed encouragingly. "Go ahead." He started playing.

You tried not to sing. (Don't sue me if you don't know the song. I honestly dont know how...) When he was done you were near tears. You hugged him tightly and he hugged back. This was the best hug you've ever gotten from Tom. Tord walked in the door. You looked up and saw fire in his eyes. It looked like burning jealousy. "Y/N. It's time for you to choose." He stated sharply. "Choose what?" You responded, slightly nervous. "Me or Thomas." He told you. You've known Tom your whole life. You've known Tord for a day. You love Tord like a boyfriend. You love Tom like a brother... "I choose... You..." You looked at Tord. "The obvious choice." Tom said, wiping tears from his eyes. Tord looked curious. "Hmm? Why?" He asked Tom. "You don't need to know that now. Y/N will tell you whenever she's ready..." Tom replied. What a great friend. Pawns everything off on me to explain... You thought bitterly, shaking your head. "I'll explain later." You told Tord. "Okay, Milady." Tord took your hand and you walked downstairs.

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